Powershell Sort of Strings with Underscores

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-04 00:26:20

In many cases PowerShell wrap/unwrap objects in/from PSObject. In most cases it is done transparently, and you does not even notice this, but in your case it is what cause your trouble.

$a='ABCZ', 'ABC_', 'ABCA'
$a|Set-Content data.txt
$b=Get-Content data.txt

# System.String
# System.String
# System.String
# System.Management.Automation.PSObject
# System.Management.Automation.PSObject
# System.Management.Automation.PSObject

As you can see, object returned from Get-Content are wrapped in PSObject, that prevent StringComparer from seeing underlying strings and compare them properly. Strongly typed string collecting can not store PSObjects, so PowerShell will unwrap strings to store them in strongly typed collection, that allows StringComparer to see strings and compare them properly.


First of all, when you write that $a[1].GetType() or that $b[1].GetType() you does not call .NET methods, but PowerShell methods, which normally call .NET methods on wrapped object. Thus you can not get real type of objects this way. Even more, them can be overridden, consider this code:

$c='String'|Add-Member -Type ScriptMethod -Name GetType -Value {[int]} -Force -PassThru
# System.Int32

Let us call .NET methods thru reflection:

# System.String
# System.String
# System.String

Now we get real type for $c, but it says that type of $b[1] is String not PSObject. As I say, in most cases unwrapping done transparently, so you see wrapped String and not PSObject itself. One particular case when it does not happening is that: when you pass array, then array elements are not unwrapped. So, let us add additional level of indirection here:

# System.String
# System.Management.Automation.PSObject

Now, as we pass $b[1] as part of array, we can see real type of it: PSObject. Although, I prefer to use [Type]::GetTypeArray instead.

About StringComparer: as you can see, when not both compared objects are strings, then StringComparer rely on IComparable.CompareTo for comparison. And PSObject implement IComparable interface, so that sorting will be done according to PSObject IComparable implementation.

Brad Schoening

Windows uses Unicode, not ASCII, so what you're seeing is the Unicode sort order for en-US. The general rules for sorting are:

  1. numbers, then lowercase and uppercase intermixed
  2. Special characters occur before numbers.

Extending your example,

$a = @( 'ABCZ', 'ABC_', 'ABCA', 'ABC4', 'abca' )

$a | sort-object

If you really want to do this.... I will admit it's ugly but it works. I would create a function if this is something you need to do on a regular basis.

$a = @( 'ABCZ', 'ABC_', 'ABCA', 'ab1z' ) $ascii = @()

foreach ($item in $a) { $string = "" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $item.length; $i++) { $char = [int] [char] $item[$i] $string += "$char;" }

$ascii += $string

$b = @()

foreach ($item in $ascii | Sort-Object) { $string = "" $array = $item.Split(";") foreach ($char in $array) { $string += [char] [int] $char }

$b += $string

$a $b



I tried the following and the sort is as expected:

[System.Collections.ArrayList] $al = [String[]] $a