How do you get the proper mapping name from a binding source bound to a List<T>, or an anonymous type, to use on a DataGridTableStyle?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-03 23:32:49

I've found the way to make this work. I'll break it out into sections...

List<myType> myList = new List<myType>(someCapacity);
...populate the list with query from database...

DataGridTableStyle myDataGridTableStyle = new DatGridtTableStyle();
DataGridTextBoxColumn colA = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
DataGridTextBoxColumn colB = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
DataGridTextBoxColumn colC = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();

colA.MappingName = "FieldA";
colA.HeaderText = "Field A";
colA.Width = 50; // or whatever;

colB.MappingName = "FieldB";
... etc. (lather, rinse, repeat for each column I want)


var query = from i in myList
            select new

myBindingSource.DataSource = query.ToList(); // Thanks Marc Gravell

// wasn't sure what else to pass in here, but null worked.
myDataGridTableStyle.MappingName = myBindingSource.GetListName(null); 

myDataGrid.TableStyles.Clear(); // Recommended on MSDN in the code examples.
myDataGrid.DataSource = myBindingSource;

So basically, the DataGridTableStyle.MappingName needs to know what type of object it is mapping to. Since my object is an anonymous type (created with Linq), I don't know what it is until runtime. After I bind the list of the anonymous type to the binding source, I can use BindingSource.GetListName(null) to get the string representation of the anonymous type.

One thing to note. If I just bound the myList (which is type "myType") directly to the binding source, I could have just used the string "myType" as the value for DataGridTableStyle.MappingName.

Hopefully this is useful to other people!

Just to add to the collection of answers already on this page....

I was just frustrated with this same issue trying to develop my fist application using windows forms and compact framework (For Windows Mobile 6.5).

What I found out, through Marc Gravell's comment above is that indeed is possible to get the run time MappingName inspecting the properties of the DataGrid. Doing this I found out that when binding my List<MyType> directly to the DataSource property of the DataGrid, the DataGrid was actually looking for a DataGridTableStyle with the MappingName of


instead of any combination of List<MyType> or MyType...

So... by putting "List`1" in the Mapping name on the DataGridTableStyle Collection Editor (at design time), I was able to customize the columns and other properties without having to create them all at run time.

I just hope this adds some more to the answers already provided. Thank you all for providing me with the guidelines.

The query returns IEnumerable<T> for some T, but most binding sources (except ASP.NET) require IList (such as any IList<T> implementation) - try adding .ToList() - i.e.

myBindingSource.DataSource = query.ToList();

A BindingList<T> might work even better (if it is supported in CF 3.5) since it has better support for some of the common binding scenarios; if you need this (and assuming BindingList<T> exists on CF 3.5), you can add an extension method:

static BindingList<T> ToBindingList<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data)
    return new BindingList<T>(new List<T>(data));

then call:

myBindingSource.DataSource = query.ToBindingList();

For completeness, an alternative to an IList is IListSource (or even Type for purely-metadata scenarios), which is why DataSource is commonly typed as object; if it wasn't for this issue, the compiler probably would have been able to tell you the problem (i.e. if DataSource was defined as IList).

I followed this answer and found that the MappingName always came out to be the underlying class name (myType in the example).

So it seems that putting the collection it through the BindingSource solves the problem anyway and that there is then no need for BindingSource.GetListName(null).

Also I found no need to ToList() the query as the BindingSource will also do this for you.

Many thanks to Jason Down for putting me on the right track.


I was facing same problem for setting column width. After lot of R & D, i changed code as below and its working fine. Code:

DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
tableStyle.MappingName = dgCustom.DataSource.GetType().Name;

where dgCustom is DataGrid ID in dgCustom.DataSource.GetType().Name which is working perfectly.
