What's wrong with the ifstream seekg

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-03 22:57:32

When ifs >> str; ends because the end of file is reached, it sets the eofbit.

Until C++11, seekg() could not seek away from the end of stream (note: yours actually does, since the output is Current pos: 0, but that's not exactly conformant: it should either fail to seek or it should clear the eofbit and seek).

Either way, to work around that, you can execute ifs.clear(); before ifs.seekg(pos);

It looks like in reading the characters it is hitting the EOF and marking that in the stream state. The stream state is not changed when doing the seekg() call and so the next read detectes that the EOF bit is set and returns without reading.
