Angular 2: How to correctly automatically import normalize.css

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-03 22:23:33
Nicolas RTT

Update for Angular 8

  1. Install the normalize.css library:

    npm install --save normalize.css
  2. Import it in your styles.css

    @import '~normalize.css';

With the current (1.0.0-beta.15) version of angular-cli, the solution is quite easy:

  1. npm i normalize.css
  2. add "../node_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css" in apps[0].styles in the config file angular-cli.json

Note: If using Angular 7, the config file is now angular.json, and the path to normalise.css in apps[0].styles should be "../node_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css".


  "project": {
    "version": "1.0.0-beta.15",
    "name": "normalize.css-in-angular2"
  "apps": [
      "root": "src",
      "outDir": "dist",
      "assets": "assets",
      "index": "index.html",
      "main": "main.ts",
      "test": "test.ts",
      "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json",
      "prefix": "app",
      "mobile": false,
      "styles": [
      "scripts": [],
      "environments": {
        "source": "environments/environment.ts",
        "dev": "environments/environment.ts",
        "prod": "environments/"
  "addons": [],
  "packages": [],
  "e2e": {
    "protractor": {
      "config": "./protractor.conf.js"
  "test": {
    "karma": {
      "config": "./karma.conf.js"
  "defaults": {
    "styleExt": "css",
    "prefixInterfaces": false

Based on this answer, all needed to do was:

  1. Install the normalize.css library:

    npm install --save normalize.css
  2. Import it in your styles.css

    @import '~normalize.css';
Stefanie Fluin

The accepted response doesn't seem to be working on app. I needed to remove the ../ in the path name.

The angular.json styles bit should be something like this:

"styles": [

// angular-cli-build.js

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  return new Angular2App(defaults, {
    vendorNpmFiles: [

and simple add the css link to index.html

// index.html
<link href="vendor/normalize.css/normalize.css" rel="stylesheet">