Remove extra HTML spaces in Smarty

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-03 20:55:47

You can load the output filter trimwhitespace. It removes HTML comments (except ConditionalComments) and reduces multiple whitespace to a single space everywhere but <script>, <pre>, <textarea>.

You can easily make the filter remove space between <two> <tags> by altering line 62. change

'#(:SMARTY@!@|>)\s+(?=@!@SMARTY:|<)#s' => '\1 \2',


'#(:SMARTY@!@|>)\s+(?=@!@SMARTY:|<)#s' => '\1\2',

and you're done.

Output filters run AFTER the template is rendered and BEFORE it's sent to the browser. {strip} runs before the template is processed - it's a compile-time thing. So the following

{$some_var = "Hello\nworld"}

will output


while the outputfilter would return

- hello world -

You can use {strip} to remove all white space and carriage returns in part of a template:

    {if $a == 'A'}

Output should be:


This may be inconvenient, but be aware that white space and newlines have a significant impact/importance on the HTML output, and stripping them globally can have unintended side effects.

If you want to remove the whitespace from all files simple call:

$oSmarty->loadFilter("output", "trimwhitespace");

Further info have a look at PHP class: smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace and docs:
