Migration from dcm4che2 to dcm4che3

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-03 15:48:24

As you have already observed, the BasicDicomObject is history -- alongside quite a few others.

The new "Dicom object" is Attributes -- an object is a collection of attributes.

Therefore, you create Attributes, populate them with the tags you need for RQ-behaviour (C-FIND, etc) and what you get in return is another Attributes object from which you pull the tags you want.

In my opinion, dcm4che 2.x was vague on the subject of dealing with individual value representations. dcm4che 3.x is quite a bit clearer.

The migration demands a rewrite of your code regarding how you query and how you treat individual tags. On the other hand, dcm4che 3.x makes the new code less convoluted.

A fairly complete example, retrieving studies from a PACS given accession numbers; setting up the query and handling the result:

    String modality = null;
    String accessionNumber = "1234567890";

    // HERE follows setup of a query, using an Attributes object
    Attributes query = new Attributes();

    // Indicate character set
        int tag = Tag.SpecificCharacterSet;
        VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
        query.setString(tag, vr, "ISO_IR 100");

    // Study level query
        int tag = Tag.QueryRetrieveLevel;
        VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
        query.setString(tag, vr, "STUDY");

    // Accession number
        int tag = Tag.AccessionNumber;
        VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
        query.setString(tag, vr, accessionNumber);

    // Optionally filter on modality in study if 'modality' is provided,
    // otherwise retrieve modality
        int tag = Tag.ModalitiesInStudy; 
        VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
        if (null != modality && modality.length() > 0) {
            query.setString(tag, vr, modality);
         } else {
            query.setNull(tag, vr);

    // We are interested in study instance UID
        int tag = Tag.StudyInstanceUID;
        VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
        query.setNull(tag, vr);

    // Do the actual query, needing an AppliationEntity (ae), 
    // a local (local) and remote (remote) Connection, and 
    // an AAssociateRQ (rq) set up earlier.

    // 1) Open a connection to the SCP
    Association as = ae.connect(local, remote, rq);

    // 2) Query
    int priority = 0x0002; // low for the sake of demo :)
    as.cfind(UID.StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND, query, null,
             new DimseRSPHandler(as.nextMessageID()) {

        public void onDimseRSP(Association assoc, Attributes cmd,
                               Attributes response) {

            super.onDimseRSP(assoc, cmd, response);

            int status = cmd.getInt(Tag.Status, -1);
            if (Status.isPending(status)) {
                // HERE follows handling of the response, which
                // is just another Attributes object
                String studyInstanceUID = response.getString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID);
                // etc...

    // 3) Close the connection to the SCP
    if (as != null && as.isReadyForDataTransfer()) {
        as = null;