NEW T4 Controller Template in MVC3

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-03 15:23:56

It seems you can only extend the Add Controller dialog with using the MvcScaffolding nuget package:

From the page:

The ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update includes great Visual Studio support for this scaffolding system, such as:

  • Add Controller Dialog now supports full automatic scaffolding of Create, Read, Update, and Delete controller actions and corresponding views. By default, this scaffolds data access code using EF Code First.
  • Add Controller Dialog supports extensible scaffolds via NuGet packages such as MvcScaffolding. This allows plugging in custom scaffolds into the dialog which would allow you to create scaffolds for other data access technologies such as NHibernate or even JET with ODBCDirect if you’re so inclined!

You can start learning about MvcScaffolding from this article.
