Is there an alternative to parse_qs that handles semi-colons?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-03 15:22:17

To get around this, I temporarily monkey patched httpretty.core.unquote_utf8 (technically httpretty.compat.unquote_utf8).

# To get around how parse_qs works (urlparse, under the hood of
# httpretty), we'll leave the semi colon quoted.
# See
orig_unquote = httpretty.core.unquote_utf8
httpretty.core.unquote_utf8 = (lambda x: x)

# It should handle tags as a list
                       body=param_check_callback({'tagged': 'python;dog'}))
search_questions(since=since, tags=["python", "dog"], site="pets")


# Back to normal for the rest
httpretty.core.unquote_utf8 = orig_unquote
# Test the test by making sure this is back to normal
assert httpretty.core.unquote_utf8("%3B") == ";"

This assumes you don't need anything else unquoted. Another option is to only leave the semi-colons percent-encoded before it reaches parse_qs.
