Vim: how to prevent jumps out of current buffer?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-03 12:38:23

Try the following jump-list traversing function. It steps successively from one jump-list location to another (using Ctrl+O or Ctrl+I depending on what values its back and forw arguments have) and stops if the current location is in the same buffer as that buffer it has started from. If it is not possible to find a jump-list location relating to the buffer, the function returns to the position that jump-list has before start.

function! JumpInFile(back, forw)
    let [n, i] = [bufnr('%'), 1]
    let p = [n] + getpos('.')[1:]
    sil! exe 'norm!1' . a:forw
    while 1
        let p1 = [bufnr('%')] + getpos('.')[1:]
        if n == p1[0] | break | endif
        if p == p1
            sil! exe 'norm!' . (i-1) . a:back
        let [p, i] = [p1, i+1]
        sil! exe 'norm!1' . a:forw

To use this function as a Ctrl+O/Ctrl+I-replacement locked to the current buffer, create mappings as it shown below.

nnoremap <silent> <c-k> :call JumpInFile("\<c-i>", "\<c-o>")<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <c-j> :call JumpInFile("\<c-o>", "\<c-i>")<cr>

Maybe the EnhancedJumps plugin will help.

With this plugin installed, the jump to another buffer is only done if the same jump command is repeated once more immediately afterwards.
