Unknown provider: $rootElementProvider when using $injector to get $location service before angular.bootstrap

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-03 11:53:16

In order to get the $location before bootstrapping, you would basically need to provide the $rootElement. One way is to mock it: inject ngMock module from angular-mocks to get the injector.

var $injector= angular.injector(['ng','ngMock',"plunker"]);
var $location = $injector.get("$location");


Or supply rootElement on your own by creating a mock app and including that while getting the injector.

var mockApp = angular.module('mockApp', []).provider({
  $rootElement:function() {
     this.$get = function() {
       return angular.element('<div ng-app></div>');

var $injector= angular.injector(['ng','mockApp',"plunker"]);

var $location = $injector.get("$location");


Or other way (based on your feasibility) is to obtain the location from the window using window.location.

Also worthwhile noting this thread on github

root element must be in inserted in document. See http://plnkr.co/edit/OrgStgw4NpjU2LcIFXsB

var rootElement = angular.element(document);

var mockApp = angular.module('mockApp', []).provider({
  $rootElement:function() {
     this.$get = function() {
       return rootElement;