Building a WSP File on the Build Machine

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-03 09:01:52

I just faced the same problem. I opted for another tool for developing the whole solution: I found WSPBuilder much cleaner and less intrusive. It also can be used from the Command line, which is great for Build files.

I modified some Nant scripts created by Bil Simser in order to compile and deploy the project and move the code from VSeWSS to WSPBuilder. It works like a charm either on my machine or on the build machine.

You can find WSPBuilder on, and these targets need nantContrib (on to work.

Here are some of the targets I'm using:

<target name="build" depends="compile">
  <copy todir="${build.dir}\12\">
    <fileset basedir="${sharepoint.dir}\12">
      <include name="**/*"/>
  <call target="buildsolutionfile" />

<target name="buildsolutionfile">
    <exec program="${wspbuilder.exe}" workingdir="${build.dir}">

      <arg value="-BuildDDF"/>
      <arg value="${debug}"/>

      <arg value="-Cleanup"/>
      <arg value="false"/>

      <arg value="-FolderDestination"/>
      <arg value="${build.dir}"/>

      <arg value="-Outputpath"/>
      <arg value="${build.dir}"/>

      <arg value="-TraceLevel"/>
      <arg value="verbose"/>

 <target name="addsolution">
    <exec program="${stsadm.exe}" verbose="${verbose}">
      <arg value="-o" />
      <arg value="addsolution" />
      <arg value="-filename" />
      <arg value="${solution.dir}\${package.file}" />
    <call target="spwait" />

  <target name="spwait" description="Waits for the timer job to complete.">
    <exec program="${stsadm.exe}" verbose="${verbose}">
      <arg value="-o" />
      <arg value="execadmsvcjobs" />
  <target name="app.pool.reset" description="Resets Sharepoint's application pool.">
    <iisapppool action="Restart" pool="${apppool}" server="${server}" />
  <target name="deploysolution" depends="addsolution">
    <exec program="${stsadm.exe}" workingdir="${build.dir}"  verbose="${verbose}">
      <arg value="-o" />
      <arg value="deploysolution" />
      <arg value="-name" />
      <arg value="${package.file}" />
      <arg value="-immediate" />
      <arg value="-allowgacdeployment" />
      <arg value="-allcontenturls" />
      <arg value="-force" />
    <call target="spwait" />
    <call target="app.pool.reset" />
