RestKit - Send added/edited/deleted objects after offline storage

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-03 08:42:19

Myself and a few others are actively working on a development branch to integrate this into RestKit automatically.

We are implementing a synchronization manager inside of RK that watches the NSManagedObjectContext for changes, and if the network is unavailable, queues those requests until the network comes back.

We'd love to have more help/ideas on the code, so if you could tell us more about your use case on this page:

For 1, you can encapsulate the NSArray of inserted/updated/deleted objects into a new object, then post it to the server. For this to work, you need to ensure that the correct bits are set on the modified objects for server to decipher, and also, ensure that the server can receive the object, and deconstruct it to get an array of modified objects.
