How do I do date math in a bash script on OS X Leopard?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-03 01:27:49
$ date -v -1d

-d sets Daylight Savings time flag.

Try man date for more info.

Jeff Wu

Because MacOS is based on BSD, not linux, the command is actually:

date -v-1d

The adjust switch takes the format -v[+/-](number)[ymwdHMS].

For example, this OS X date command will add 14 days to the input string 20160826 (not the present time):

date -j -f %Y%m%d -v+14d 20160826 +%Y%m%d

The command Matthew mentions works for me with /bin/date on Leopard. Besides, as Schwern points out, if you're sure your shell script is going to be run on Mac OS X, why don't you want to use Python or Ruby, that both come in standard in /usr/bin? This would in no way affect portability in your particular scenario.

I realize I could whip up a little C or Ruby program to do this, but I want my script to have as few dependencies as possible.

Doing in C or as a Ruby script would result in less dependancies, and be more cross-platform.. Bash-scripting just calls various other scripts/applications, mainly the GNU utilities.. Many of the commands are unavailable, or take different arguments on other platforms (especially between OS X and Linux)..

Ruby is included by default on OS X Leopard (and 10.4, and probably previous versions if I recall correctly), and if you use Rubys built-in date libraries, it will work consistently on any platform.

Whenever you try to do anything remotely complicated, you are generally best of using a "proper" scripting language!

Here is a script that I use to print the dates for my journal in google doc's:


    # ask user for variable details
    read -p 'Starting date in "mm-dd-yyyy" format: ' DATE

    # adjust the count by editing the "x" number in {0..x}
    # 91 days will give you about 3 months, currently set to 6 for testing
    # %a gives short day of the week, -m -d gives single digit months and days, capital Y gives 4 digit year

    for i in {0..6}
         NEXT_DATE=$(date -j -f %m-%d-%Y -v+"$i"d $DATE +'%a %-m/%-d/%y')
         echo -e "$NEXT_DATE\n\n\n"

Here is the sample output, (I use 3 new lines between each date):

Sun 4/1/18

Mon 4/2/18

Tue 4/3/18

Wed 4/4/18

Thu 4/5/18

Fri 4/6/18

Sat 4/7/18

You might be looking for this. gdate '+%s' -d '2 weeks ago' or gdate '+%s' -d '1 day ago'

These two examples return in the Epoch time. I turn those seconds in to something my language can read normal strptime(seconds, '%s'). Python Ruby and Javascript are the few I know have it. I am sure Java and all the others do as well.

Also gdate is date (GNU coreutils) it just called something different on mac. Strange thing is on my other mac it let me use just data to get this same off set. Don't know why might be they change something recently.

I used the following on, macOS Mojave 10.14.5, to find the DHCP renewal time open

date -v +`ipconfig getoption en0 renewal_t1_time_value`S