SignalR multiple chat rooms

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-02 19:45:29
Hatake Kakashi

You don't have to open multiple connections, just one, but to use Group:

public class MyHub : Hub, IDisconnect
    public Task Join()
        return Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, "foo");

    public Task Send(string message)
        return Clients["foo"].addMessage(message);

    public Task Disconnect()
        return Clients["foo"].leave(Context.ConnectionId);

One group means one room, so every time one user joins one room, you just add that user to the group of that room, and when you want to broadcast message, just send the message to the clients in the group.

More details:


Okay... Here's the simplest way to make multiple rooms:

$(function () {
    var chat =;

    chat.addMessage = function (message, room) {

        if ($('#currentRoom').val() == room) {
            $('#messagesList').append('<li>' + message + '</li>');

    chat.send($('#textboxMessage').val(), $('#currentRoom').val());


public class Chat : Hub
   public void Send(string msg, string room)
       Clients.addMessage(msg, room);

I have a dropdown list of available rooms, and the selected room will be the value of an element, let's say a textbox:

 <input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="currentRoom" />

Now, every time .send is called, we will pass not just the message, but also the current room...

The .addMessage will return two values to every client, one is the message, the other is a room... Now we will compare the returned 'room' to the current room of the client. Once they match, the message will be displayed in that current room:

if ($('#currentRoom').val() == room) {
    $('#messagesList').append('<li>' + message + '</li>');

You do not need multiple connections. Just use one and put the meta data in the returned JSON message as to which room the message is for. The JavaScript code then needs to direct the message into the correct room.
