Set command target to template part

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-02 18:18:38


1) Custom DataGrid with CommandBindings.

2) A RoutedCommand Definition.

3) A Command Target Definition. (XAML)

CS :

    public class CustomDataGrid : DataGrid
         this.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(Commands.ClearInputCommand, 
                     ClearFilter, ClearFilterCanExecute));                      

    public static class Commands
        public static RoutedCommand ClearInputCommand = new RoutedCommand("ClearInputCommand", typeof(Commands));   


    <!-- (3) -->
    <local:CustomDataGrid x:Name="grid" />                                                                                  
    <Button Command="{x:Static p:Commands.ClearInputCommand}" 
            CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=grid}"/> 

I would like to transfer the CommandBindings to a child of my CustomDataGrid (an Element in it's Template) , thus dissolving the need for a this "Custom" DataGrid and only a change in a template of a regular DataGrid.

XAML : CustomDataGridTemplate.

       <Template TargetType="{x:Type p:CustomDataGrid}" >
            <p:SomeCustomElement x:Name="I WANT TO BE THE COMMAND TARGET !" />

how can i achieve this ? is there a was of registering SomeCustomElement to that command ?


Ok , so along side all the type of RoutedCommands i placed a few extension methods to register the routed command with the type it self ,

public static class Commands
    public static RoutedCommand ClearInputCommand = new RoutedCommand("ClearInputCommand", typeof(Commands));

    public static void RegisterCommand(this UIElement uiElement, RoutedCommand command, ExecutedRoutedEventHandler execute, CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler canExecute = null)
        uiElement.RegisterCommand(new CommandBinding(command, execute, canExecute));

    public static void RegisterCommand(this UIElement uiElement, CommandBinding commandBinding)
        CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(object), commandBinding);         

    public static void UnRegisterCommand(this UIElement uiElement, RoutedCommand command)
        for (int i = 0; i < uiElement.CommandBindings.Count; i++)
            CommandBinding c = uiElement.CommandBindings[i];
            if (c.Command == command)

    public static void UnRegisterCommand(this UIElement uiElement, CommandBinding commandBinding)

and then just called it from the constructor of that class , i'm not sure if i need to unregister this tough it seems to me that this can cause memory leaks , since it holds a reference to the Execute and CanExecute delegates.

in order to Unregister them i would have to keep track of all the registered uielements and clear there CommandBindings on application shut down.

i think a better solution would be to use something like prisms CompositeCommand. but this would do for now.

