CUDA for .net?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-02 17:31:56

Here's another library:

Edit: I've been looking at the documentation for the project you initially listed, and can say that the interface makes me think: what is the point of using .Net. The project I've listed has a cleaner interface but no documentation. The project you listed seems to be more dedicated in the development path ( a recent 2.1 release), but the SVN of Brahma isn't too old (5 wks).

Another poster listed the Accelerator framework. It looks very promising, although its license is non-commercial (you must contact them if you intend to use it for any commercial work), and when I installed it, it said it installed right and I can't find it on my system (this could have been a Vista issue)!

EDIT: I have looked into the various libraries, and can say here is my "recommendations":

  1. If you are planning on using LINQ and only .Net 3.5, use Brahma.
  2. If you are non-commercial in your goal, use the Accelerator project that the other poster gave (Tim, I believe). It is higher level than the project you mentioned.
  3. If you don't care about low-level details, but very active project and documentation is desired then go with the project you listed.

Here's another one

translates .NET code to CUDA C automatically, has quite good pack of examples

Microsoft Research has a project called "Accelerator"

Checkout this two wrappers:

First the Tidepowerd that allow programming in .NET languages like C#, F#, and VB.NET*

Second the CUDA.NET da Hoopoe,

Both are discussed here at stackoverflow and have suggestion of sample codes in theirs web sites. I guess this will help you.
