After using Automapper to map a ViewModel how and what should I test?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-02 17:19:51

This is one of the reasons why we move AutoMapper into a custom ActionResult or an ActionFilter. At some point, you only really want to test that you mapped Foo to FooDto, but not necessarily test the actual mapping. By moving AutoMapper into the layer boundaries (such as between controller an view), you can merely test what you're telling AutoMapper to do.

This is similar to testing a ViewResult. You don't test from a controller that a view was rendered, but rather that you told MVC to render such-and-such view. Our action result becomes:

public class AutoMapViewResult : ActionResult
    public Type SourceType { get; private set; }
    public Type DestinationType { get; private set; }
    public ViewResult View { get; private set; }

    public AutoMapViewResult(Type sourceType, Type destinationType, ViewResult view)
        SourceType = sourceType;
        DestinationType = destinationType;
        View = view;

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
        var model = Mapper.Map(View.ViewData.Model, SourceType, DestinationType);

        View.ViewData.Model = model;


With a helper method on a base controller class:

protected AutoMapViewResult AutoMapView<TDestination>(ViewResult viewResult)
    return new AutoMapViewResult(viewResult.ViewData.Model.GetType(), typeof(TDestination), viewResult);

Which then makes the controller now only specify what to map to/from, instead of performing the actual mapping:

public ActionResult Index(int minSessions = 0)
    var list = from conf in _repository.Query()
                where conf.SessionCount >= minSessions
                select conf;

    return AutoMapView<EventListModel[]>(View(list));

At this point, I only need to test, "make sure that you're mapping this Foo object to this destination FooDto type", without needing to actually perform the mapping.


Here's an example of a test snippet:

var actionResult = controller.Index();


var autoMapViewResult = (AutoMapViewResult) actionResult;


I would probably separate the coupling between AutoMapper and the controller by introducing an abstraction:

public interface IMapper<TSource, TDest>
    TDest Map(TSource source);

public CustomerToTestCustomerFormMapper: IMapper<Customer, TestCustomerForm>
    static CustomerToTestCustomerFormMapper()
        // TODO: Configure the mapping rules here

    public TestCustomerForm Map(Customer source)
        return Mapper.Map<Customer, TestCustomerForm>(source);

Next you pass this into the controller:

public HomeController: Controller
    private readonly IMapper<Customer, TestCustomerForm> _customerMapper;
    public HomeController(IMapper<Customer, TestCustomerForm> customerMapper)
        _customerMapper = customerMapper;

    public ActionResult Index()
        TestCustomerForm cust = _customerMapper.Map(
        return View(cust);

And in your unit test you would use your favorite mocking framework to stub this mapper.
