Issues and contribution for Volley [closed]

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-02 16:14:46

Seems like a lot has been answered in the comments but I'll try to cover the rest, or rather, I'll try to cover your specific questions.

1) Volley does not handle redirection on it's own. It's handled by the underlying HttpStack. For example, I currently use OkHttp (from Square) as my HTTP client for Volley. See OkHttp is great, as it has excellent defaults for handling SPDY, redirects, and other HTTP conveniences. You could also use this to implement your own defaults for the platform HttpUrlConnection (calling followRedirects() on the connection before handing it to Volley for example ---

2) I'm not even sure that I'd use getCacheDir() for a Volley cache. According to the docs (, that cache directory should never exceed 1 mb. Whereas, most clients tend to use 10 mb as a default for an http cache (1 mb is really small for an Http cache!!). Also, why are you using such a deep cache directory? Theres no reason that "cacheDir1" should be multiple directories deep. Just make it a file name. getCacheDir() would return your own folder anyways. I'd recommend doing this when initializing Volley (usually the recommended place is the Application class):

File volleyCacheFile = new File(getExternalCacheDir(), "volleyCache.tmp");

Of course, this lacks any error handling (what if the external storage is unavailable?). Also, don't forget that you need the appropriate permission to write the external storage.

Hope that helps.
