Traversing nodes correctly - javascript childNodes

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-02 12:38:19

You are exactly right: the problem is that you are using a static index when the NodeList to which you refer (target.childNodes) is live: it is updated when you remove some of those child nodes.

The simplest way to do this is to make a static list of the child nodes of the element. You seem to be trying to do this, but Javascript has dynamic typing, so var children = new Array(); essentially does nothing useful. It does not coerce the NodeList into becoming an array. The function you want is Array.from:

var children = Array.from(target.childNodes);
var child; // don't forget to declare this variable
for(child in children)
    if(children[child].tagName == 'DIV'){
        var deleteChild = target.childNodes[child]; // simplify

Note that Array.from is a new-ish function, so you should provide a shim for older browsers.
