Modern UI for WPF- navigation

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-02 08:14:32

You must use OnFragmentNavigation.

public void OnFragmentNavigation(FragmentNavigationEventArgs e)

e.Fragement contains everything past the # in the URI. In example, using

NavigationCommands.GoToPage.Execute("/Pages/CustomerPage.xaml#CustomerID=12345", this);

e.Fragment will be "CustomerID=12345"

It looks like you are coming from a client browser showing web pages world. With WPF you own the app! you can simply set the value on the new page before or after navigating, pass it in with a constructor or access it from a location accessible from both pages. It sounds like the parameter is an argument to the page so I would pass it in with a constructor in this case:

public class APage : Page
    private object myVar; // use whatever Type you want

    public APage

    public APage(object arg) : this()
        this.myVar = args;