How to create a container that holds different types of function pointers in C++?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-02 04:53:22

A typical idea for virtual machines is to have a separate stack that is used for argument and return value passing.

Your functions can still all be of type void fn(void), but you do argument passing and returning manually.

You can do something like this:

class ArgumentStack {
        void push(double ret_val) { m_stack.push_back(ret_val); }

        double pop() {
             double arg = m_stack.back();
             return arg;

        std::vector<double> m_stack;
ArgumentStack stack; a function could look like this:

// Multiplies two doubles on top of the stack.
void multiply() {
    // Read arguments.
    double a1 = stack.pop();
    double a2 = stack.pop();

    // Multiply!
    double result = a1 * a2;

    // Return the result by putting it on the stack.

This can be used in this way:

// Calculate 4 * 2.
printf("2 * 4 = %f\n", stack.pop());

Do you follow?

You cannot put a polymorphic function in a class, since functions that take (or return) different things cannot be used in the same way (with the same interface), which is something required by polymorphism.

The idea of having a class providing a virtual function for any possible function type you need would work, but (without knowing anything about your problem!) its usage feels weird to me: what functions would a derived class override? Aren't your functions uncorrelated?

If your functions are uncorrelated (if there's no reason why you should group them as members of the same class, or if they would be static function since they don't need member variables) you should opt for something else... If you pick your functions at random you could just have several different containers, one for function type, and just pick a container at random, and then a function within it.

Could you make some examples of what your functions do?

What you mentioned itself can be implemented probably by a container of std::function or discriminated union like Boost::variant.
For example:

#include <functional>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>

struct F {
  virtual ~F() {}

template< class Return, class Param = void >
struct Func : F {
  std::function< Return( Param ) >  f;
  Func( std::function< Return( Param ) > const& f ) : f( f ) {}
  Return operator()( Param const& x ) const { return f( x ); }

template< class Return >
struct Func< Return, void > : F {
  std::function< Return() >  f;
  Func( std::function< Return() > const& f ) : f( f ) {}
  Return operator()() const { return f(); }

static void f_void_void( void ) { puts("void"); }
static int f_int_int( int x ) { return x; }

int main()
  F  *f[] = {
    new Func< void >( f_void_void ),
    new Func< int, int >( f_int_int ),

  for ( F **a = f, **e = f + 2;  a != e;  ++ a ) {
    if      ( auto p = dynamic_cast< Func< void >*     >( *a ) ) {
    else if ( auto p = dynamic_cast< Func< int, int >* >( *a ) ) {
      std::cout<< (*p)( 1 ) <<'\n';

But I'm not sure this is really what you want...
What do you think about Alf P. Steinbach's comment?
