RSpec & Database Cleaner - Keep certain objects permanently in the test database

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-02 01:18:29

If you have database objects that your application never changes, and that are the same in your production and development databases as well as in your test databases, the right thing to do is to make them seeds. Create them in db/seeds.rb. More on seeds here:

If the objects that you're talking about only belong in your test database, you could make them Rails fixtures. More on fixtures here: (Beware, though, that fixtures are usually a bad idea, because they make your tests harder to read and encourage you to write tests around existing fixtures, which leads to an entangled mess. Test clarity and robustness is more important than speed.)

If you're using Database Cleaner's truncation or deletion strategy (probably because you're using a Javascript-capable driver with Capybara), and you've used either of the foregoing methods to leave data in your test database between tests, you can tell Database Cleaner to not empty specific tables:

DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation, {:only => %w[widgets dogs some_other_table]}


DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation, {:except => %w[widgets]}

(Source: I don't know of a way to tell Database Cleaner to delete some instances of a given class and not others, however.
