
How to globally import Javascript library in Angular2 Typescript project?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-06 09:47:24
I'm trying to figure out how to propertly import an external library in my Angular2 projects. As you can see reading other answers about this matter, there is a bit of confusion about it, and even Angular2 documentation have no info about it. In addition, any search on Google leads to old results related to alpha or beta version of Angular2. I'm trying to import Foundation and jQuery libraries. I need the first to use some Foundation code, and i need the second to make Foundation JS code to work (it uses jQuery) and even to uses it in my Typescript components. As far as i know since i have to

ngOnDestroy and $('#element').foundation('destroy');

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-06 02:16:42
I'm trying to implement a Sticky Magellan in my Angular2 application. Once I leave the view I want to remove the plugin, because otherwise I get problems when I'm revisiting the view. So I'm using: ngOnDestroy(): void { $('#element').foundation('destroy'); } Which results in: Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: We're sorry, 'destroy' is not an available method for this element. ReferenceError: We're sorry, 'destroy' is not an available method for this element. at jQuery.fn.init.foundation (eval at webpackJsonp.67.module.exports ( http://localhost:4200/scripts.bundle.js:156:8 ), :294

Work needed to upgrade Zurb Foundation v5 to v6.2

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-05 02:43:24
What & how much work is required to upgrade Foundation 5 to 6.2? Our dev shop is taking over development of an existing F5 project. Seems the front-end layout is 80% complete, though we'll likely transition into JSX to little will be untouched. I need help in weighing if F6.2 is worth the extra hassle, since the client is budget-limited. Zurb's F6 announcement lists only a few lower priority advantages (A11y, fewer classes). Flexbox might be helpful, small Foundation CSS is less of a concern thanks to UnCSS . I've used F6.2 once, but would like to hear from folks who upgraded real sites from

Laravel 5.4 adding zurb foundation 6.3.0

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 21:01:38
i would like to learn the best way how to add zurb foundation single component to my fresh laravel project. What i have done so far is: npm install foundation-sites --save And second is <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}" /> to my layout.blade.php And my questions is what should i write in sass/app.scss webpack.mix.js And maybe there is something else that needs to be done? I want to use label component only... <span class="label success">Hello world</span> thank you very much! i solve that ,look at : https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/tips/using-foundation-630-with

Middleman using Foundation 6

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-02 12:24:38
问题 I want to use Middleman with wonderful Foundation 6. Here is a repo I've found on Middleman's website. I have Middleman installed as well as Xcode developers tools. When I run middleman init -T james-weaver/middleman-foundation-6 portfolio in my Terminal I get Unknown Project Template error. What am I doing wrong here? 回答1: Try to install foundation-sites (v6) at the root of your Middleman project, using NPM: cd middleman-project npm init -y npm install foundation-sites --save Then, at the

Middleman using Foundation 6

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-02 07:28:52
I want to use Middleman with wonderful Foundation 6. Here is a repo I've found on Middleman's website. I have Middleman installed as well as Xcode developers tools. When I run middleman init -T james-weaver/middleman-foundation-6 portfolio in my Terminal I get Unknown Project Template error. What am I doing wrong here? Try to install foundation-sites (v6) at the root of your Middleman project, using NPM: cd middleman-project npm init -y npm install foundation-sites --save Then, at the file source/stylesheets/site.css.scss , add: @import '../../node_modules/foundation-sites/scss/foundation';

Foundation 6 does not generate any styles

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-11-27 18:35:36
I have setup a new project to test Foundation 6 using Gulp and Sass but it doesn't seem to compile at all. There is another post close to this topic, but I personally believe the accepted answer is not the correct solution - as it includes all of the components and is actually the opposite of what Zurb suggests (see this issue: https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites/issues/7537 ). Anyway ... I installed Foundation 6.1.1 from bower, and added the path to my gulp-sass function in gulpfile.js like so: // Compile Our Sass gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('scss/theme.scss') .pipe