
TimerTask 更新UI线程

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-07 16:04:52
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 今天在犯了一个愚蠢的错误,TimerTask中更新UI界面了,难怪半天没反应。 在网上搜了一篇Timer更新UI的帖子转过来。 错误写法: [java] view plain copy <EMBED id=ZeroClipboardMovie_1 name=ZeroClipboardMovie_1 type=application/x-shockwave-flash align=middle pluginspage= height=18 width=18 src= wmode="transparent" flashvars="id=1&width=18&height=18" allowfullscreen="false" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#ffffff" quality="best" menu="false" loop="false"> package com.test; import java.util.Timer; import

Zeroclipboard not copying on first Click

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-06 20:04:46
问题 I have the code and it is not working on first click, but on the second click it is working. $("#btnCopiar").on("click",function(){ var clipBoardObj = new ZeroClipboard($("#btnCopiar"), { moviePath: "../thirdparty/ZeroClipboard.swf" });; // Create your data here to copy to the clipboard and assign to a variable name data var data = "DATA IS COMING FROM SERVER OT TEXT INPUT"; clipBoardObj.on("copy", function (event) { var clipboard = event.clipboardData; clipboard.setData( "text/plain", data )

zeroClipboard complex css problem

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-06 08:38:10
问题 i have list of images and on mouse over there is option box shows under it, which has embeded code input box to copy from. now i implemented zeroclipboard on it, for making copy function work on click, so when i do mouse over on image, it shows the option box properly, but when i take mouse to click on the input box to copy the code, the option gets closed, thinking its not in option div anymore, because zeroclipboard has div on top of it so mouse goes on it and it gets closed. so solution

ZeroClipboard: swf loaded, but not working

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-01-01 04:26:07
问题 ZeroClipboard doesn't work and it doesn't throw any errors (javascript console). The website is hosted on a HTTPS webserver running on localhost. Both the website and the SWF are served over HTTPS by the same server. The SWF is loaded and positioned correctly over the button (with ID: testButton). When right-clicking on the button, the flash context menu (About Adobe Flash Player 11.7...) is shown. However, none of the events, not even "load", gets fired. I am working on this problem for two


邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-27 18:08:06
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 曾经,一个网页上要用Javascript实现网页内容的复制,其实是很麻烦的一件事情。虽然在这个问题上IE有其高大上的 window.clipboardData 方法支持直接复制指定内容,Firefox也早早的支持了 document.execCommand 命令,但是因为早期的Chrome不支持浏览器直接操作剪贴板,或者说不支持 document.execCommand 命令,让这一功能在兼容性上遇到了瓶颈。所以,聪明的开发者们开始走上“曲线救国”的道路:借助各大浏览器对Flash的支持,通过Javascript与Flash交互,将需要复制的内容传递到Flash中,再调用Flash操作剪切板的命令将内容复制到剪贴板,从而实现了兼容性极强的通过JS脚本复制网页文本的插件。这也就是 ZeroClipboard 的使命。 The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. ZeroClipboard曾盛极一时,而如今它的未来,恐怕令人担忧。随着HTML5的风靡

Not able to find $(this) object's parent in zeroClipboard (v2.1.6) plugin

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-25 03:59:24
问题 Got the answer with the help of @LanderVanBreda zeroClipboard.on('copy', function (event) { var highlight = $('.highlight').first() event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", highlight.text()) }); Question was: The Code is almost working but got stuck at the final stage while copying the text to clipboard. There is $(this) object but it's not working. I just want to make the below line of code work. zeroClipboard.on('copy', function (event) { $(this).parent()

Copy text to clipboard from jsf / primefaces

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-24 17:54:53
问题 I am using to implement copy to clipboard function. it should copy some text, but for now i want it to be anything really... but its not working at all. I included in head: <h:outputScript name="js/jquery.zclip.min.js" library="test" /> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('a#copy').zclip({ path:'#{resource['/test/js/ZeroClipboard.swf']}', copy:$('div#content').text() }); }); </script> and in JSF page i have an ordinary : <a href="#" id="copy"

zClip - ZeroClipboard.swf deleted - Need new file

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-22 05:34:08
问题 I'm using zClip on my website to copy several things in textboxes, I got everything working just fine but now, without changing anything, it stopped working. The reason is that the host of the file ZeroClipboard.swf have deleted the file or for some reason made inaccessible. I have an other version(?) of the ZeroClipboard.swf on my computer from another script and I tried replacing the deleted link with a new link of the other version(?) I found on my computer. But it doesn't work, the flash

How to load an Ajax response into clipboard using jQuery and ZeroClipboard?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-14 03:56:55
问题 I need a way to copy dynamically (Ajax) loaded content into the clipboard in a Web browser. There are many libraries out there that will mimic the copy-to-clipboard functionality using Flash. However, with the new Flash 10 default security settings, copy-to-clipboard setting now requires explicit user confirmation. ZeroClipboard is a Javascript/Flash library that gets around this "limitation" (using flash movie click-jacking). This is a simple JQuery plugin I wrote to integrate ZeroClipboard

ZeroClipboard for copy to clipboard in ASP.NET MVC

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-11 23:27:05
问题 I want to add a copy-to-clipboard functionality to my ASP.NET webpage. I found ZeroClipboard, but I couldn't find any single example wroking. Can I make it work on local computer or do I need to upload to server to test it? Please send me an example link. 回答1: jQuery ZeroClipBoard would probably be what you are looking for. ZeroClipBoard uses an invisible Adobe Flash movie for achieving clipboard functionality. We are using this in our project's and it is working absolutely fine. It is easy