
How do companies set a name and avatar for their automated email addresses?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-09 19:14:23
问题 Websites will often send notification emails from addresses like hello@example.com or no-reply@example.com . When these show up in Gmail / Inbox, they often have a name and an avatar associated, like this one from Zeplin: I know if you're using Google Apps, as an administrator you could create a user called no-reply and set their avatar. But this also uses up one user slot which costs $5 / month. And I'm not sure if this technique works outside of Gmail or Inbox. Are there other ways to set

How do companies set a name and avatar for their automated email addresses?

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-04 11:57:33
Websites will often send notification emails from addresses like hello@example.com or no-reply@example.com . When these show up in Gmail / Inbox, they often have a name and an avatar associated, like this one from Zeplin: I know if you're using Google Apps, as an administrator you could create a user called no-reply and set their avatar. But this also uses up one user slot which costs $5 / month. And I'm not sure if this technique works outside of Gmail or Inbox. Are there other ways to set the avatar for automated email addresses? Have a look at Gravatar . What Is Gravatar? An "avatar" is an


那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-04 10:35:22
来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/sanwenyu/p/7234616.html 不同的项目管理模式或许会有完全不同的流程步骤。但是专业性几乎是保证产品质量的唯一准则。 App的开发过程主要分为以下阶段,本文会按顺序为大家简单地说明: 1、需求梳理、分析 2、产品原型图绘制 3、UI 设计 4、项目经理 & 技术负责人对接需求 5、技术方案 & 架构设计 6、项目排期 & 任务分解 7、产品研发阶段 8、交付测试阶段 9、最后,按原计划上线 第一步:需求梳理、分析 针对这个idea来一场从内到外的洗礼,在此假设用户需求分析已经确定 , 接下来 根据提炼的真实用户需求来确定产品需求 。 产品经理将会根据沟通中的相关资料的word、ppt、jpg等等东西翻译成逻辑语言,最简单的就是产出一张产品功能脑图或者一份功能列表。 产品功能脑图 一份功能列表 第二步:产品原型图绘制 初步产品功能需求梳理清楚之后,产品经理持续跟进,反复沟通确定产品原型图。 PS:我们出一般是全局流的图,程序员哥哥们比较喜欢(白眼)。 产品原型图 同时根据具体的项目需求,会搭配一套产品业务流程的泳道图: 产品业务流程的泳道图 常规的是用axure出一份带简单交互的原型: 简单交互的原型 简单点,用墨刀做一份带交互的原型。 墨刀带交互的原型 第三步:UI设计 UI设计,包含风格稿和内页设计。