
普及练习场-广度优先搜索-P1032 字串变换

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-02-27 13:11:05
题目描述 已知有两个字串 A, B 及一组字串变换的规则(至多6个规则): A1 -> B1 A2 -> B2 规则的含义为:在 A$中的子串 A1 可以变换为 B1、A2 可以变换为 B2 …。 例如:A=’abcd’B=’xyz’ 变换规则为: ‘abc’->‘xu’‘ud’->‘y’‘y’->‘yz’ 则此时,A 可以经过一系列的变换变为 B,其变换的过程为: ‘abcd’->‘xud’->‘xy’->‘xyz’ 共进行了三次变换,使得 A 变换为B。 输入输出格式 输入格式: 输入格式如下: A B A1 B1 \ A2 B2 |-> 变换规则 … … / 所有字符串长度的上限为 20。 输出格式: 输出至屏幕。格式如下: 若在 10 步(包含 10步)以内能将 A 变换为 B ,则输出最少的变换步数;否则输出"NO ANSWER!" 输入输出样例 输入样例#1: abcd xyz abc xu ud y y yz 输出样例#1: 3 ———————————————— 思路:BFS+map 函数 来做 # include <cstdio> # include <iostream> # include <cstring> # include <algorithm> # include <map> # include <queue> using namespace std ;

RGB / XYZ and XYZ-LAB color space conversion algorithm

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-24 23:57:08
问题 I tried to convert RGB color space to CIE-LAB color space. But there is a mistake. input RGB values = (50,125,50) received result LAB vaues = (41,-38,34) LAB values should be (46.41,-39.24,33.51) I checked this values from Where did I make a mistake? If you check the following code and answer me. I will be glad. Thanks. public static Vector4 RGBToLab(Vector4 color) { float[] xyz = new float[3]; float[] lab = new float[3]; float[] rgb = new float[] { color[0], color[1],

Compile JavaFX Code using ANT

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:20:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I have following installed on my system - Java version "1.7.0_09" JavaFX 2.0 SDK NetBeans 7.2.1 When I am trying to compile the code using ANT it showing me error message - Could not load definitions from resource com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found. Build.XML contains <project name="XYZ" default="XYZ" basedir="XYZ" xmlns:fx=""> <description> simple example build file </description> <!-- set global properties for this build --> <property name="srcXYZGenerator" location="src/XYZGenerator"/


隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-27 13:43:35
记性不好,整理出来以作保存 1、remove ①直接删除元素,remove(obj),顺序删除第一个遇到的,所以想要全部删除 ,需要遍历 aList = [123, 'xyz', 'zara', 'abc', 'abc']; aList.remove('xyz'); print(aList) aList.remove('abc'); print(aList) >>> [123, 'zara', 'abc', 'abc'] [123, 'zara', 'abc'] 2、pop 弹出的元素可以被定义的变量接住 ①不指定索引位置,从尾部删除 aList = [123, 'xyz', 'zara', 'abc', 'abc']; a = aList.pop() #从尾部弹出元素 print(aList)print(a) 》》》 [123, 'xyz', 'zara', 'abc']abc ②指定索引位置,利用索引位置删除 a = aList.pop(1) print(a) print(aList) >>> xyz [123, 'zara', 'abc', 'abc'] 3、del ①可以利用list[索引]位置删除 del list[索引] aList = [123, 'xyz', 'zara', 'abc', 'abc'] del aList[0] print(aList) 》》》 [