
Othographic Projection in XTK

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-02 08:40:20
So I am using XTK to develop a app that will allow users to view multiple 3D meshes in one renderer. The problem is that it uses a perspective camera instead of a orthographic, which causes panning to 'rotate' the meshes a bit. Has anyone been successful in getting XTK to render orthographically without modifying source code? I would rather not modify it but if I have to I will. Thank you! So from what I can see, there's no way to set a 3D camera to be in orthographic perspective without modifying the source code. However, it seems fairly straight forward to add that functionality. If you add

Finding world coordinates from screen coordinates

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-29 23:27:45
问题 There's many answers to this problem, but I'm not sure that they all work with XTK, such as seeing multiple answers for this in Three.JS, but of course XTK and Three.JS don't have the same API obviously. Using a ray and Matrix seemed very similar to many other solutions for other frameworks, but I'm still not grasping a possible solution here. For now just finding the coordinates X, Y, and Z and recording them into Console.Log is fine, later I was hoping to create a caption/tooltip to display