

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-03-08 08:11:31
一、下载并安装openfire 1.到 http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/index.jsp 下载最新openfire for mac版 比如:Openfire 3.8.1,下载后的文件:openfire_3_8_1.dmg 2.点击安装,并执行默认操作 3.启动openfire服务 在系统偏好设置的其他里,点击openfire偏好 启动后,点击Open Admin Console按钮,自动在浏览器中打开本地web配置页面 http://localhost:9090/setup/index.jsp 二、配置openfire服务器 1.设置语言,选中文 2.主机设置 设置主机的访问ip地址 注意:域不能是机器名,否则会如下错误: HTTP ERROR: 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 本地的域,要设置为127.0.0.1 3.数据库设置 如果要设置外部数据库(推荐,比如:MySQL),选择标准数据库连接 4.设置数据库连接 (1)数据库驱动选择:MySQL,前提是已安装MySQL(具体的安装方法可以参考上一篇: mac上安装MySQL ) (2)JDBC驱动,默认不变 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (3)数据库URL: 形式如下: jdbc:mysql://你的主机名:端口号/数据库名称 这里设置为


丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-03-08 08:10:56
一、安装 到MySQL官网上 http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ ,下载mysql可安装dmg版本 比如: Mac OS X ver. 10.7 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive 下载完的文件为:mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64.dmg 1.点击,安装包里的 2.点击安装 安装好后,再系统偏好设置的其他里,会出现如下图标: 3.点击此图标,跳出对话框 点击Start MySQL Server按钮,启动mysql 二、打开终端,定义mysql别名 输入alias命令 alias mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql 回车,再输入 alias mysqladmin=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin 三、设置mysql root帐号的密码 mysqladmin -u root password 初始密码 2.如果设置完密码后,需要修改,执行命令 mysqladmin -u root -p password 最新密码 接着会提示输入密码,此时输入旧密码,回车 四、连接数据库 mysql -u root -p 然后提示输入密码,输入三中设置的初始密码 2.如果登陆远程主机上的mysql数据库 mysql -h 主机地址 -u 用户名 -p 用户密码 五

Mac XMPP Openfire 服务器配置

我们两清 提交于 2020-03-08 08:10:00
本文已停止更新,点击 此链接 查看本文最新内容 !!! 前言 Openfire 是免费的、开源的、基于可拓展通讯和表示协议(XMPP)、采用 Java 编程语言开发的实时协作服务器。Openfire 安装和使用都非常简单,并利用 Web 进行管理。单台服务器可支持上万并发用户。可以使用它轻易的构建高效率的即时通信服务器。由于是采用开放的XMPP协议,您可以使用各种支持XMPP协议的IM客户端软件登陆服务. 1、配置准备工作 1)配置服务器准备工作 下载相关软件 jdk-8u91-macosx-x64.dmg openfire_4_1_1.dmg spark_2_8_3.dmg Openfire 官网 MySQL 官网 JDK 官网 Openfire 服务器配置软件下载地址 Openfire v4.1.2 for Mac ,密码:p5gv。 Spark v2.8.3 for Mac ,密码: fvw6。 2)配置服务器注意事项 提前下载好相关软件,且安装目录最好安装在全英文路径下。如果路径有中文名,那么可能会出现一些莫名其妙的问题。 在安装配置 Openfire 或其他 xmpp 服务器前,需要先安装 MySQL 数据库。 MySQL 安装具体讲解见 MySQL 数据库配置 。 3)示例配置环境 macOS 10.11.6 macOS 10.13.3 2、下载安装 Openfire


假如想象 提交于 2020-02-29 20:59:44
这几天在公司一直在研究XMPP客户端软件DEMO的编写,下面的源代码是基于开源库loudmouth-1.4.3的XMPP客户端源代码。这段代码只是一个Demo,使用一个已经在服务器上注册了的用户登录到XMPP服务器,最后在XMPP服务器上发送iq信息,在客户端获取该IQ信息后解析该信息。 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <loudmouth.h> #define XMPP_SERVER "" #define XMPP_USERNAME "tm" #define XMPP_PASSWORD "12345" #define XMPP_RESOURCE "AndroidpnClient" LmHandlerResult iq_handler_message(LmMessageHandler *handler, LmConnection *connection, LmMessage *m, gpointer user_data) { LmMessageNode *root_node, *node; printf("[RECEIVED]:%s\n", lm_message_node_to_string(lm_message_get_node(m)));

Is there any free XMPP library which Supports WinRT?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-02-29 05:24:58
问题 Could anyone say me the XMPP library that supports WinRT, I've tried Jabber-Net, agsXMPP, those are not working. . . 回答1: There's no free XMPP library to be used in WinRT. Only avaialable library is Matrix dll. 回答2: I've not tried it, however there is an open-source xmpp library distributed under the lgpl v3, used in a Windows 8 chat app. Here is the library: https://github.com/PaulFreund/xmpp, and here is the app (I think you can use it as a reference): https://github.com/PaulFreund/Chat/ 来源

Is there any free XMPP library which Supports WinRT?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-02-29 05:23:47
问题 Could anyone say me the XMPP library that supports WinRT, I've tried Jabber-Net, agsXMPP, those are not working. . . 回答1: There's no free XMPP library to be used in WinRT. Only avaialable library is Matrix dll. 回答2: I've not tried it, however there is an open-source xmpp library distributed under the lgpl v3, used in a Windows 8 chat app. Here is the library: https://github.com/PaulFreund/xmpp, and here is the app (I think you can use it as a reference): https://github.com/PaulFreund/Chat/ 来源

Is there any free XMPP library which Supports WinRT?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-02-29 05:23:08
问题 Could anyone say me the XMPP library that supports WinRT, I've tried Jabber-Net, agsXMPP, those are not working. . . 回答1: There's no free XMPP library to be used in WinRT. Only avaialable library is Matrix dll. 回答2: I've not tried it, however there is an open-source xmpp library distributed under the lgpl v3, used in a Windows 8 chat app. Here is the library: https://github.com/PaulFreund/xmpp, and here is the app (I think you can use it as a reference): https://github.com/PaulFreund/Chat/ 来源

Different “from:” values received from GCM CCS server upstream msg from the same client

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-02-27 09:41:43
问题 I'm using the GCM demo application provided by google (repository URL). When receiving upstream XMPP messages in my app server, consecutive tokens received from the same client differ in their " from " key, is that how it's supposed to be ? From what I understand, " from " key should always point to a static GCM registration ID obtained by client and thus should not change (at least per each upstream message !). Here are 3 consecutive upstream messages converted to json I recieve from the app

XMPP connect will error connection-timeout

半腔热情 提交于 2020-02-25 06:21:12
问题 I use swift 4 and ios 10. I am using XMPPFramework and I can't connect to the server. I have this error : stream:error xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" connection-timeout xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams" text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams" lang="en" Idle connection I search for this situation and I didn't find anything in the web. I didn't find any documentation for XMPP framework. if you have a document please send me it. I just have time out error and

XMPP connect will error connection-timeout

点点圈 提交于 2020-02-25 06:20:28
问题 I use swift 4 and ios 10. I am using XMPPFramework and I can't connect to the server. I have this error : stream:error xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" connection-timeout xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams" text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams" lang="en" Idle connection I search for this situation and I didn't find anything in the web. I didn't find any documentation for XMPP framework. if you have a document please send me it. I just have time out error and