
JAXB @XmlAdapter: Map -> List adapter? (marshall only)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-30 13:29:40
I have a Map<String, String> . The first idea everyone has is to convert it to a List<Pair<String,String>> ( Pair being a custom class). I've tried a @XmlAdapter like this: public class MapPropertiesAdapter extends XmlAdapter<List<Property>, Map<String,String>> { ... } But Eclipse MOXy, the JAXB impl I use, ended up with a ClassCastException - "can't convert HashMap to Collection". Is this conversion supported by JAXB? Or did I overlook some documentation part which explains why it isn't? PS: I wanted to get XML like this: <properties> <property name="protocol"/> <property name="marshaller"/>

JAXB XMLAdapter method does not throws Exception

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-29 16:59:25
问题 I am using JAXB XMLadapter to marshal and unmarshal Boolean values. The application's XML file will be accessed by C# application also. We have to validate this XML file and this is done using XSD. C# application writes "True" value for Boolean nodes. But the same does get validated by our XSD as it only allows "true/false" or "1/0". So we have kept String for boolean values in XSD and that string will be validated by XMLAdapter to marshal and unmarshal on our side. The XML Adapter is as