
Not able to add an apple account to the visual studio 2017

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-08 05:30:14
问题 I have an apple account with the admin role. Whenever I'm trying to add an apple account to visual studio, it displays "There was an error while trying to log in: A server with the specified hostname could not be found". I updated Visual Studio 2017 also. Still, it displays the same error. Please help me. 回答1: As @LeonLu mentioned, it might be a problem with the non-paid version of account. This is stated in the Microsoft docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/cross-platform/macios

Is it possible to access external storage in platform-independent code in Xamarin.Forms?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-08 03:33:05
问题 I'm mainly developing for Android, so I know one can access the external storage of an Android device in Xamarin.Forms using Android.Content.Context.GetExternalFilesDir . I know its possible to access the internal storage platform-independently using Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) , but is it also possible to do the same for external storage? I know the use case might be prettty limited, as iOS doesn't allow any non-jailbreaked access to the file

TextInput Field with Pickerview instead of keyboard

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-07 20:21:07
问题 I want to add a pickerview instead of a keyboard for a specific textfield and fill the picker view with content directly in the .m file What is the easiest way to accomplish that? Can I do this directly in the interface builder or do i have to add much code on my own? 回答1: For any Xamarin.iOS developers, here's how to do it in C# public partial class MyViewController : UIViewController { public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); ConfigurePicker(); } void ConfigurePicker() { var

TextInput Field with Pickerview instead of keyboard

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-07 20:20:34
问题 I want to add a pickerview instead of a keyboard for a specific textfield and fill the picker view with content directly in the .m file What is the easiest way to accomplish that? Can I do this directly in the interface builder or do i have to add much code on my own? 回答1: For any Xamarin.iOS developers, here's how to do it in C# public partial class MyViewController : UIViewController { public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); ConfigurePicker(); } void ConfigurePicker() { var

How to get the tab bar height in a Xamarin.Forms page

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-07 19:42:07
问题 I'm displaying an image within my content pages such that its height is a fixed percentage of the page height. I do this using a grid with star unit row height. However, when the content pages are placed within a TabbedPage, the total grid height seems to be that of [the screen minus the tab bar height], so as a consequence, the image appears a bit shorter. If I could access the tab bar height within my content pages, it would be a simple adjustment to the percentage. Question: 1) How do I

Using Azure AD B2C in Xamarin.iOS with simulator - Problem with keychain (the Team ID is null)

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-07 18:36:55
问题 I'm developing a Xamarin.Forms app, and setting up Azure AD B2C for auth. I'm following the official tutorial. Everything works flawlessly for Andorid, but I'm facing an issue with th iOS project. I've setup everything mentioned in the tutorial but that is not enough. In this post, it describes how you should configure the iOS Bundle Signing to reference as custom entitlement Entitlements.plist . Otherwise you get this error: Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException: The application

Using Azure AD B2C in Xamarin.iOS with simulator - Problem with keychain (the Team ID is null)

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-07 18:36:29
问题 I'm developing a Xamarin.Forms app, and setting up Azure AD B2C for auth. I'm following the official tutorial. Everything works flawlessly for Andorid, but I'm facing an issue with th iOS project. I've setup everything mentioned in the tutorial but that is not enough. In this post, it describes how you should configure the iOS Bundle Signing to reference as custom entitlement Entitlements.plist . Otherwise you get this error: Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException: The application

Read camera permission for iOS in Xamarin

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-02-07 13:50:20
问题 I have an iOS app developed in Xamarin. When the app does not have permission to access the microphone, if the user tries to access the microphone from the app, I check the settings using AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().RequestRecordPermission (delegate(bool granted)) and display a message. Now I need to do the same if the app does not have permission to access the camera. I need to check if permission is granted for camera and display a message accordingly. How can I do this? 回答1: Did you

Xamarin Dim Page (Master Detail Page)

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-07 09:57:27
问题 So for Android when the master page of a master-detail page is shown the master page is covered with a "black dim" view so it is easy to differentiate the two pages with the eye. In iOS the detail page is not dimmed so it is tougher to differentiate the views. Is there a way to overlay the details page with a BoxView or Frame that is "black translucent" so it dims the page in similar fashion to Android. I have tried many different colors and opacities of a box view but they all completely

The type or namespace name 'XmlDocument' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-07 08:16:47
问题 I'm trying to parse an xml document using the following: XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.LoadXml (myXMLstring); I get the error: The type or namespace name 'XmlDocument' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? ..even though I have using System.Xml; I'm not sure what an assembly reference is. I'm using Xamarin Studio. I see there are several folders for references. In the references folder for the base project I don't see an entry for System.Xml But in individual