
Wxpython panel is cropped with only a small box shown at the top left hand corner

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-29 18:58:39
问题 I am using Hide() and Show() from wx to do the "next page" effect by hiding a panel and showing the next one but in the same frame (not very sure if I am doing it correctly though). At certain pages, the panel is just a small cropped version at the top left corner while some other panels can work normally (display the full thing). How do I solve this problem? I saw something on stackoverflow about child/parent of the panel or frame and tried changing my code but it does not work, not very

wxPython UltimateListCtrl Error After Deleting Row

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2021-01-29 07:14:17
问题 I have been working with wxPython and UltimateListCtrl to create a GUI for a project. For my GUI is have a few panels that have UltimateListCtrls and have I run into an issue I cant seem to fix. My GUI consists of a list of files with 5 columns: a CheckBox Column, a File Name Column, a File Extension Column, a File Size Column, and a ComboBox Column. Example GUI Below the list I have a button that, when clicked, will delete any row whose CheckBox is checked. My issue comes after I delete, for

Python/wxPython: Importing CSV file onto wxGrid not displaying to fit on frame

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-01-29 03:10:36
问题 Am working on a project where I have to import CSV files into wx.Grid for further manipulations. I have searched and found a useful way here http://wxpython-users.1045709.n5.nabble.com/new-to-the-list-opening-a-text-file-in-a-grid-using-splitterwindows-td2373808.html Now my CSV never seems to display on my screen frame at all (as per the code below)? Any way around this? csv1.py is the GUI class MyFrame3 ( wx.Frame ): def __init__( self, parent ): wx.Frame.__init__ ( self, parent, id = wx.ID

wxPython: how to lay one panel over another

半腔热情 提交于 2021-01-28 03:26:44
问题 This is about wxPython. I would like to have 2 Panels laying one over the other: PanelBG should be some sort of a "background", with its own GridBagSizer with subPanels, StaticTexts and so on; PanelFG should be the "foreground" panel, also with its own GridBagSizer with some StaticTexts, Buttons... but a transparent background, in such a way that PanelBG is visible wherever PanelFG doesn't lay widgets. I need both Panels to stretch to all the sides of the frame, even when resizing the window,

wxPython - how to import the wx.adv module?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-01-28 03:20:37
问题 Trying to work with wx.adv according to http://wxpython.org/Phoenix/docs/html/adv.1classindex.html But I'm getting "ImportError: No module named adv". Is there an installer or a special way to import it? Is it deprecated...? Using Windows and Mac, Python 2.7.6, wxPython 3.0. 回答1: Is it possible you think you have Phoenix/are running Phoenix, but are in fact not? Try on the command line (sorry, tested on windows, but should apply to Mac too): Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC

wxpython refresh window on button press

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-28 02:03:17
问题 I have been having some trouble with my Python program. Basically, it is a very very simple file manager. I have been trying to get it to move between folders (user clicks a folder, program refreshes display and shows contents of folder). The problem I am having is that I cant seem to get the button to refresh the display and then fill it with the new folders and files when clicked. Here is the code I am using and it is on Linux. import wx import fileBrowser class interface(wx.Frame): def _

Unable to open a local HTML file generated in folium using wxPython

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-01-27 22:52:54
问题 I am currently trying to plot GPS coordinates as markers on a map and displaying the result within wxPython. I have used folium to plot coordinate markers and generate an HTML file: import folium fmap = folium.Map([-43.5321,172.6362], zoom_start=12) folium.Marker([-43.5321,172.6362], popup='Marker1').add_to(fmap) fmap.save('maparea.html') I am able to open this HTML file in Firefox without any issues. I need to create a programme in wxPython to display this HTML file, and I tried implementing

Formatting wx.TextCtrl with numeric values only - float precision

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-01-27 18:02:00
问题 I have created a simple app which uses bare TextCtrl widgets with wxFILTER_NUMERIC in order to accept only numerical values (see code below). I want the values to have a fixed display precision irrespective of how user inputs them (e.g. will always show 17.0000 in case of 17.0 or 17.000000 values being specified). I found that in wxPython there is an option to use a derived NumCtrl widget (http://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.lib.masked.numctrl-module.html) which does the job but I can't find it


白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-01-08 08:40:01
RobotFramework_1.简介与安装 RobotFramework简介和安装 RobotFramework简介 简介 Robot Framework是一个基于Python的,可扩展的关键字驱动的测试自动化框架,用于端到端验收测试和验收测试驱动开发(ATDD)。它可用于测试分布式异构应用程序,其中验证需要涉及多种技术和接口。 为什么选择Robotframework 启用易于使用的表格语法,以统一的方式创建测试用例 提供从现有关键字创建可重复使用的更高级别关键字的功能 提供易于阅读的结果报告和HTML格式的日志 支持创建基于数据驱动的测试用例 RobotFramework的结构 Robot Framework是一个通用的,应用程序和技术独立的框架。它具有高度模块化的架构 RobotFramework安装 安装Python https://www.python.org/ftp/python 注意安装完成之后将C:\python27;C:\python27\Scripts这两个路径加入环境变量 注意如果本机已安装python3,python27的环境变量要放在前面 安装WxPython wxPython是一个Python包装wxWidgets(这是用 C++ 编写),一个流行的跨平台GUI工具包 安装Robotframework 在命令行模式下先升级pip: python -m

基于python3环境下搭建Robot Framework 自动化测试框架(一)

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-01-05 08:45:48
大家都知道,Robot Framework 是基于python2 环境 的一套自动化测试工具,据说python 2 到2020年不维护,现在用python 3 的环境搭建Robot Framework 1.下载python 3 地址 https://www.python.org/downloads/ 2.配置环境变量 在环境变量中加入python 和script 的安装地址 3.查看python 是否安装成功 在cmd中输入python 4. 安装 requests 直接用命令 pip install requests 5.安装 robotframework 直接用命令 pip install robotframework 6.安装 wxPython 直接用命令 pip install wxPython 7.安装 pywin32 直接用命令 pip install pywin32 8.安装 pygments 直接用命令 pip install pygments 9.安装界面工具 ride 直接用命令 pip install robotframework-ride 注意,我最后一步报错了,版本不兼容问题,但是ride 还是可以正常打开,先使用看看 10.在script 文件夹下找到 ride.py文件,点击打开ride,ride打开如下图 以下是安装包及版本信息 来源: