
Is it possible to use .png images for WiX bitmaps

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-29 07:34:09
问题 I am using 2 500K bitmaps in to display images on my WiX dialogs. They dramatically increase the size of the installation package, and what is worse - it looks there's no way to package them as a part of a .cab file since they're <binary> -es in the WiX terms. So, I thught, is there any way to use other file formats for bitmaps or WiX is tethered with BMP? Ideally it would be greate if there's a way to use .png format since it comes with a looseless compression option. 回答1: The Windows

WiX: how to pack exe or dll to use only during installation

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-25 07:19:43
问题 I need to include a dll/exe in the resulting MSI (created through a WiX project), but I do not want to deploy them during installation: I only want to use them in some CustomAction my purpose is to include an existing exe/dll and call it during installation from wxs code (not from a CustomAction dll). Is it possible to include files which are not deployed during installation? I mean, only pack them inside the resulting MSI, and call them for some task while they are unpacked inside %temp%

error CNDL0027 : The File/@Name attribute's value, 'apcsystray.exe', is not a valid 8.3-compliant name.

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-24 09:17:03
问题 When I am running the windows installer build using WIX 2.0 tool set i am getting the below error. error CNDL0027 : The File/@Name attribute's value, 'apcsystray.exe', is not a valid 8.3-compliant name. Legal names contain no more than 8 characters followed by an optional extension of no more than 3 characters. Any character except for the follow may be used: \ ? | > < : / * " + , ; = [ ] (space). I am suspecting that it is due to the old version because i am using windows 10 32 bit

Obtaining generated ProductCode as a variable in Wix

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-24 03:30:00
问题 In our product we use Product Id="*" in Wix to tell it to generate a new product code for every new build. We now have a requirement during install time to record the product code of the MSI being installed into one of our registry keys. We could infer the product code at runtime by looping through entries in the "Uninstall" registry keys looking for our product name and version, but it would be cleaner to directly record this information at install time. Is there a way for Wix to tell me

How to detect the running process in Wix3?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-24 00:54:19
问题 I'm using wix3 to build a setup file, I would like to know whether the outlook is running during the installation. If the outlook is still running, the setup should notify the users to close it or have to reboot after the installation. I noticed that there is a feature can send a message to close the outlook directly, but that's not very friendly. I would like to knwo whether the FileInUse dialog can be called in such situation. Thanks. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1335260/how-to

Is it possible to include “source” files in a wixlib?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-23 17:08:15
问题 Is it possible to include "source" files in a wixlib? I have a number of c++ solutions, each containing a project or projects, and a wixlib, with a fragment containing entries such as: <File Id="MY_ID" KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.my_path)\foo.exe" /> I would like to collect "foo.exe" and include it in the wixlib, then create a WiX project that links together several such wixlibs and produces an MSI. The reading I have done seems to suggest WiX3 and later supports this, and the technique is

Wix Installer - Resize fatal error dialog or use custom dialog in place of fatal error dialog

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-23 17:02:36
问题 In WiX installer - How can I customize or override Fatal Error Dialog ()? I would like to show a detailed error message instead of default setup failure message. Options: Is it possible to resize fatal error dialog in WiX? If not, how can I use my own dialog in place of fatal error dialog? 回答1: To resize or otherwise modify any existing dialog in essence you need to replace it. Luckily you can download original sources from git repository and modify them as you like. Firstly to be able to

WiX Search and Replace on a configuration file

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-23 16:53:21
问题 I'm trying to make an install using WiX and I need to modify a configuration file (not XML or INI) with entries that a customized WiX dialog. Is there a good way to do this? Do I need to make a VB script custom action, perhaps? Below is the relevant bits of the wxs file: <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder"> <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="MyApp"> <Component Id="ap_cfg" KeyPath="yes" Guid="..."> <File Id="CONFIGFILE" Source="myConfig.cfg" /> <

Unresolved reference to symbol “ ” in section 'Fragment'

孤人 提交于 2019-12-23 11:58:03
问题 I have added InstallDemo.wxs file and copied the code from WixUI_InstallDir src/ext/wixlib/, Then i have added UIRef into product.wxs file after that when i built the solution i got this 50 error "Unresolved reference to symbol 'Dialog:BrowseDlg' in section 'Fragment' so, Help me to resolve this issue.. please tell me how to create a simple dialog screen in 'WIX' please help, Thank you.! 回答1: Have you referenced the WixUIExtension in your WIX Installation project? You need this to give you

WIX: Heat duplicate id issue with multiple features/folders

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-22 08:59:34
问题 I am newbie to Wix and creating a multi feature Wix project. Our product is having 4 modules and each module has to be included as a feature in the Windows installer. But all features are sharing the same folder structure. I am using commandline to build my Wix project. After harvesting every module into different wxs fragments, the light.exe giving error saying that duplicate id in the dirercoty table. My file tree is look like... ModuleA - Core |--bin |--etc | |--mgr |--lib |-- a.txt