
How to run Linux Docker images on Windows Server 2016?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-30 01:01:07
问题 I have used docker for windows with linux containers on windows 10 sucessfully - but now I want to use a new shiny Windows Server 2016 for that task - but how? I have installed the docker features using this guide: Installing the normal docker.msi fails because the windows version ist not Windows 10. Unfortunately, when trying to run any linux vm docker throws the error: image operating

How to configure windows server 2016 with DNS sub-domains to an IP address in the container

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-25 03:28:20
问题 I have a windows server 2016 on Azure which I will use as host for windows containers. I want to publish the containers hosted on the Server using a subdomain. Azure gave me a sub-domain such as: Once I've created my windows container I have the internal IP address for my container as What I am trying to achieve is to create a subdomain called "container1" so that if we get any request to: container1.myserver.australiaeast.cloudapp

Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64 .net core

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-25 02:46:10
问题 I am getting "Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64" exception while using ZipArchive in .NET CORE. NOTE: I am not getting it in my developement machine (Windows 7), but getting it in production server. (Windows Server 2016). Please help. Thanks, Kannan. 回答1: This is because Aws API Gateway. Sorry for not mentioning it. If i skip API Gateway and hit my endpoint through the load balancer i can send the zip files without any issues. 来源:

Running Android emulator Hyper-V based on a Azure VM Windows Server 2016

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-24 19:01:07
问题 Our goal is to run UI tests with Appium on our CI build. But it seems that running the Android emulator (Hyper-V based) within virtual build machine (Windows Server 2016) on Azure might not be supported. So my question is, does Hyper-V based nested virtualization is supported from a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine on Azure ? note: using a CPU Android emulation is not an option 回答1: Yes, it is possible, you need to be on Dv3 or Ev3 SKU.

Using Docker and Compose in Hyper-V with Windows Server 2016

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-24 08:37:29
问题 I currently have a Hyper-V Virtual machine whose guest OS is Microsoft Server 2016 I was able to install the Docker Service and use the command line to create a docker image I would like to try the same process out in Visual Studio using compose, but it looks like that will only work if the ToolBox is installed. I installed the Toolbox and when I build I get an error around the volume spec, I believe this is because the target OS is Linux. Since Windows Server 2016 is not compatible with

Docker in Windows Server 2016 is not working

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-24 08:32:06
问题 I have a new Windows Server 2016, with all updates applied. I followed the commands from the quick-start and all of them went fine. Now when I run the command to Pull the image and run I got this: PS C:\Windows\system32> docker run microsoft/dotnet-samples:dotnetapp-nanoserver Unable to find image 'microsoft/dotnet-samples:dotnetapp-nanoserver' locally dotnetapp-nanoserver: Pulling from microsoft/dotnet-samples bce2fbc256ea: Pull complete 6330793656b1: Pull complete 8f8cb03e6bbd: Pull

.NET System.IO.PathTooLongException from Web Application

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-24 07:54:28
问题 Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 introduce solution for the traditional Long Path issue. The solution is straightforward to implement and detailed very good in the following blog post. Following the steps works successfully for a .NET console/desktop application. However, for some reason, when running the same code from a ASP.NET web application I still getting the same classic System.IO.PathTooLongException exception. The code that throws exception: Directory.CreateDirectory(longPath); As

Windows containers 2016 run powershell as a domain user

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-21 17:22:30
问题 I want to be able to either run a Windows Container as a domain user Example (no idea on how to run as a different user) docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver powershell Or alternatively being able to run powershell script in the container as a domain user. I would have to pass in -e to docker run .. but that is ok. The reason for this is to run something like (but the application uses domain resources like SQL and file shares) dotnet app.dll 回答1: the answer to your question eventually found it

File Last Modified Not Updating when Java Writes to Windows Server 2016

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-21 12:14:41
问题 I have a Java 10 application on Windows Server 2016 which is continually writing to a file using java.util.logging. In Windows File Explorer, the "Last modified" and "Size" columns do not update. Pressing [F5] does not update the details. DOS DIR gives the same incorrect answer. Right Click > Properties > Details gives an even different (and older) answer. Only running DOS TYPE or opening/closing (without save) in Notepad on the file, seems to cause File Explorer and DOS DIR to update. I

How can I run Docker in a AWS Windows Server environment?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-21 10:55:11
问题 Thing I'd tried: Toolbox on Windows Server 2012 R2. Disabled Hyper-V to allow virtualbox. I cannot enable virtualization as it's on the physical bios. Installed Docker EE on Windows Server 2016 w/Containers EC2. Installed correctly. Daemon is running. BUT, I can't pull a single image beside the hello-world:nanoserver. So I hunted down the windowsservercore and nanoserver, still doesn't work because they are out of date. The repo from the the frizzm person at doesn't work when you