

若如初见. 提交于 2020-11-26 02:05:10
01 python视频教程 文章底部留言 序号 给您发送视频教程链接 或者微信 bigzql 索要 Python开发知识体系 序号 教程名称 4003 01-Python快速入门 链接: 4004 02-Python初级课程 链接: 4005 03- Python 定向爬虫入门 4006 04-Linux从入门到精通 4007 05-Linux从入门到精通 4008 06-Python数据库操作 4009 07-Apache课程 4010 08-Python Web开发 4011 09- Flask实战 4012 10-Django 开发与进阶 4013 11-Tornado 4014 12- Python RESTful API 开发 4000 强力Django 和杀手级xadmin 4001 python分布式爬虫打造搜索引擎 4002 Python高效编程技巧 Python工程师主要从事爬虫开发、Web开发及数据分析工作,随着人工智能的崛起,Python作为最好的工具语言,已经被广泛的大量使用。作为一门可“连接”其他语言的胶水语言,他是工程师的最爱的效率工具,因其庞大的类库,让你的项目能够快速的完成试错,随着大数据和AI时代的开启,Python 成为数据专家和AI工程师必备的技能之一。 课程概览 本课程主要向大家介绍了Python工程师的职业背景、行业前景

python 结构.

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-03-19 16:50:43
3 月,跳不动了?>>> Be careful with exec and eval in Python written on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 One of the perceived features of a dynamic programming language like Python is the ability to execute code from a string. In fact many people are under the impression that this is the main difference between something like Python and C#. That might have been true when the people compared Python to things like C. It's certainly not a necessarily a feature of the language itself. For instance Mono implements the compiler as a service and you can compile C# code at runtime, just like Python compiles code at

Storing API keys and passwords in web2py

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-03-05 07:10:53
问题 I am creating a web2py application which will pull a bunch of data from different sources. What's the best way to store the API keys and passwords? Appconfig.ini seems to me as a bad option here. 回答1: You can use the Python keyring lib to more safely store and retrieve an API key into the underlying Operating System's Keyring service. As an optional optimization, you can then store the key in Web2py's cache.ram to avoid having to retrieve API key from the OS for every request. See https:/

How to make api call that requires login in web2py?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-02-02 14:52:47
问题 I want to access APIs from application. Those APIs has decorator @auth.requires_login() . I am calling api from controller using demo_app/controllers/plugin_task/task url = request.env.http_origin + URL('api', 'bind_task') page = urllib2.Request(url) page.add_header('cookie', request.env.http_cookie) response = urllib2.urlopen(page) Demo API api.py @auth.requires_login() @request.restful() def bind_task(): response.view = 'generic.json' return dict(GET=_bind_task) def _bind_task(**get_params)

Store images in datastore of GAE python while deploying web2py app

允我心安 提交于 2020-01-25 10:38:07
问题 I am trying to deploy a web2py application on GAE. When run locally, a phone_details table is defined in db.py using this line db.define_table('phone_details',Field('image',type='upload'),Field('name',unique=True),Field('screensiz'),Field('primcam'),Field('processor'),Field('ram'),Field('rom'),Field('os'),Field('company'),Field('price','integer')) To make it run on GAE, I created an entity in cloud datastore naming it 'phone_details' but there only string,boolean,number etc. are allowed

Migrating passwords from web2py to Django

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-17 04:11:29
问题 I have passwords stored in web2py using SHA 512 algorithm. I am now migrating the models to django and hence need a way to hash passwords in django using SHA 512 in the same way as web2py does so that I can authenticate the old users with the same passwords.Please suggest some way. 回答1: According to this post a Python snippet to recreate the convention used in web2py would be the following: from hashlib import md5 import hmac hmac_key = '<your secret key>' password = 'insecure' thehash = hmac

Calculated Fields in web2py sqlgrid

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-15 15:58:23
问题 Web2py has several methods for calculated fields, but the documentation states that lazy fields "are not visualized by default in tables" because they don't come with attributes like _. In fact, they don't seem to be able to be available in SQLFORM.grid even if the field is requested. I get the error AttributeError: 'FieldLazy' object has no attribute 'readable' When I include a lazy field in the field list. db.mytable.myfield = Field.Lazy(lambda row: "calc") Can I put a lazy field into a

Post-login redirection in web2py

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-14 13:10:25
问题 I'm having trouble controlling post-login redirection behavior in web2py. According to this, web2py handles post-login redirection differently, depending on whether the login was initiated by the system (e.g. when accessing a auth-protected function) or by a user (when clicking a 'log in' link). In the former case, the behavior is to redirect to the referring page after login, as would be expected. In the latter, however, the user is redirected to an index page after login, or to a page