
Getting polygons from voronoi edges

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-13 07:32:06
问题 I found this library by BenDi to create voronoi edges from a set of points. With the following code I can compute the edges of my voronoi cells. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using BenTools.Mathematics; namespace Voronoi { class MainClass { public static void Main(string[] args) { Vector[] V = new Vector[4]; V[0] = new Vector(1.3, 2.8); V[1] = new Vector(0.5, 2.8); V[2] = new Vector(2, 1.8); V[3] = new Vector(1, 3); List<Vector> VoronoiSource = new List<Vector>();

Getting polygons from voronoi edges

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-01-13 07:32:05
问题 I found this library by BenDi to create voronoi edges from a set of points. With the following code I can compute the edges of my voronoi cells. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using BenTools.Mathematics; namespace Voronoi { class MainClass { public static void Main(string[] args) { Vector[] V = new Vector[4]; V[0] = new Vector(1.3, 2.8); V[1] = new Vector(0.5, 2.8); V[2] = new Vector(2, 1.8); V[3] = new Vector(1, 3); List<Vector> VoronoiSource = new List<Vector>();

CGAL, Cropped voronoi diagram confined in a rectangle

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-12 03:53:06
问题 I'm using CGAL with Qt to draw Voronoi diagram. I used CGAL::Voronoi_diagram_2<DT,AT,AP> since I need the faces. This is the example code: for(Face_iterator f = VD.faces_begin(); f != VD.faces_end(); f++) { Ccb_halfedge_circulator ec_start = (f)->ccb(); Ccb_halfedge_circulator ec = ec_start; do { if (!ec->has_source()) { } else QpolyF << QPointF(((Halfedge_handle)ec)->source()->point().x(), ((Halfedge_handle)ec)->source()->point().y()); } while ( ++ec != ec_start ); VectPolygon.push_back

How to modify a d3 force layout with voronoi polygons to trigger events on grouped elements?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-02 06:13:44
问题 The goal is to combine d3 force simulation, g elements, and voronoi polygons to make trigger events on nodes easier, such as dragging, mouseovers, tooltips and so on with a graph that can be dynamically modified. This follows the d3 Circle Dragging IV example. In the following code, when adding the clip path attribute to the g element and clippath elements: Why does dragging not trigger on the cells? Why do the nodes become obscured and the paths lose their styles on edges? How can this be

Voronoi - Compute exact boundaries of every region

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-31 11:01:32
问题 I'm trying to compute the exact boundaries of every region of a Voronoi Diagram using scipy.spatial.Voronoi, in the case when all the points are inside a pre-defined polygon. For example, using the example in the documentation, http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-dev/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.Voronoi.html what if I need to compute Voroni with the same points but inside a rectangle with the following boundaries global_boundaries = np.array([[-2, -2], [4, -2], [4, 4], [-2, 4], [-2, -2]])

Change FloodFill-Algorithm to get Voronoi Territory for two data points?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-29 08:23:27
问题 I got a grid with two points. I want to calculate the amount squares each point can reach before the other. Currently I implement a FloodFill-Algoritm, which can calculate the amount of squares one point can reach. How can I change that algorithm to do the "flooding" for both points simaltaneuosly or at least one after another? 回答1: What do you mean by "each point can reach before the other"? It looks to me like you need a BF search. Use a FIFO queue like so: Let p1 and p2 be the positions of

D3 transition along segments of path and pause at coordinate values

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-24 08:58:58
问题 I would like to be able to click on a circle (coordinate points); bring the marker to the position of the circle and pause at the position of the circle and then resume again along the path. In addition I would like to activate a circle when marker is paused on them - they are clicked (or their Voronoi cell is clicked). My intention is to have an on click function to an href for the circle coordinates eventually. I think I need to pass the index of the path coordinates into the translateAlong

Voronoi cells fill function with D3 (v4)

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-24 07:26:42
问题 I'm trying to adapt this example of a Voronoi's diagram superimposed with a map. I've got a csv with latitude, longitude and several informations I want to use (for example to color diagram's cells and germs) Here's the first rows of the csv : name,value,latitude,longitude station1,18921,48.8286765,7.742563499999999 station2,73187,48.905260999999996,7.6535345 station3,146444,48.9310582,7.658132000000001 station4,61442,48.8334661,8.029873799999999 station5,107423,48.665965899999996,7

Calculating a Voronoi diagram for planes in 3D

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-22 10:53:52
问题 Is there a code/library that can calculate a Voronoi diagram for planes (parallelograms) in 3D? I checked Qhull and it seems it can only work with points, in its examples Voro++ works with different size of spheres but I couldn't find anything for polygons. In this image (sample planes in 3d) the parallelograms are 3D since they have a thickness, but in this case the thickness will be zero.! 回答1: Voronoi cells are not parallelograms. You are confused here by the image you posted. Voronoi cell

Get point associated with Voronoi region (scipy.spatial.Voronoi)

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-22 08:37:45
问题 Notice : the answer by aqueiros, although higher up voted, is not correct . Particularly this statement " vor.regions always has an empty array in the first index ", is not true. I'm generating a simple 2D Voronoi tessellation, using the scipy.spatial.Voronoi function. I use a random 2D distribution of points (see MCVE below). I need a way to go through each defined region (defined by scipy.spatial.Voronoi ) and get the coordinates of the point associated to it (ie: the point that said region