
英文词汇 桌面技术支持中的专业英语单词及其缩写

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-21 12:34:30
桌面技术支持中,会阅读相关的设备说明书。对于说明书中经常出现的缩写形式的专业名词,做了一些积累。现于此博文中做个简单的分享,希望能对后来人有所帮助,平稳地入门桌面技术支持。 注:博文内容仅可用于参考,遇到分歧时,还需请教专业人士!   A 序号 英文缩写 英文 1 A ampere 2 AC Alternating Current 3 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 4 AVS Audio Video coding Standard   B 序号 英文缩写 英文 1 BIOS Basic Input Output System   C 序号 英文缩写 英文 1 CD Compact Disk 2 CEL China Energy Label 3 CM Cable Modem 4 COM cluster communication port 5 CR2032 CR2032 Lithium button cell 6 CRT Cathode Ray Tube 7 CVBS Composite Video Broadcast Signal   D 序号 英文缩写 英文 1 DC direct current 2 DNS Domain Name System 3 DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface


余生颓废 提交于 2020-08-15 21:38:32
2020.08.10 p47-48 whale vt. 猛揍;使惨败 vi. 捕鲸 n. 鲸;巨大的东西 whip vt. 抽打;搅拌 n. 鞭子;抽打 vi. 抽打;急走 wholly adv. 完全地 wreck n. 失事;残骸;[口]失去健康的人 vt. 破坏(destroy) veteran n. 经验丰富的人; 老兵 /'vet(ə)r(ə)n/ vibrate v. 振动 /vaɪ’breɪt/ volt n. 伏特 voltage 电压 well-being 健康,幸福 well-off 顺利的;富裕的 weary adj. 疲倦的;令人厌烦的(tired) v. 厌烦;疲倦 webcast 网播 2020.08.11 p45-46 trace vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯 n. 痕迹,踪迹 tractor n. 拖拉机;牵引机 trademark n. (注册)商标 transmission n. 传送, 传播 trash vt. 捣坏; 破坏; 弄脏 n. 拙劣的材料,垃圾 tray n. 盘子, 托盘 trifle n. 琐事;少量;蛋糕 vi. 开玩笑/'traɪfl/ trim vt. 修剪,减少,装饰 adj. =slim neat n. 修剪,装饰 triumph n. 胜利 vi. 获胜; 克服/'traɪʌmf/ toll 伤亡人数,损害,通行费


两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-04-24 03:26:46
作者简介: 王晔,烽火通信科技股份有限公司ICT网络产品线NFV产品总监,高级工程师,研究方向为SDN\NFV\MEC\AI\光通信。 自2013年AT&T率先提出DOMAIN 2.0网络转型计划以来,国内外运营商纷纷跟进推出网络转型战略,权威咨询机构IHS甚至预测2021年全球NFV市场规模达到370亿美元以上。理想虽然丰满,现实依旧骨感。时间悄然来到2019年,NFV产品实际商用规模远没有预测数据那么乐观。究竟是什么原因阻碍了NFV产品商用进程?NFV产品如何才能真正走向规模商用?本文试图回答这两个问题。 现状之痛,NFV产品商用进展未达预期 要想了解NFV产品商用进程,只要打开整个电信网络来看不同网络层次的虚拟网元商用进展就可以管中窥豹。如图1所示,除了移动核心网vEPC、vIMS、v5GC网元和数据中心网络安全等少量网元外,接入网的vCPE、vOLT、vCDN,城域网vBNG、vSR等尚处于试商用或小规模商用的阶段,传送网和骨干网的网元则几乎没有虚拟化。仔细分析不难发现其中的规律,传统电信网络中业务特性比重大的网元率先实现虚拟化并规模商用,而网络中大量管道特性比重大的网元仍然处于试商用或者干脆没有虚拟化的阶段。 图1 电信网络虚拟网元商用进展 他山之玉,基于价值链的商业模式分析框架 科幻作家刘慈欣告诉我们要升维思考,降维打击。从历史发展规律来看

Phalcon Volt Array is of string type

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-25 06:33:35
问题 I have a Phalcon volt template I wanted to call in my custom helper, it will accept an array but the array sent to the helper is of string type. In my list.volt I have this code, {% set myfolder = data.foldername %} {% set key = data.folderkey %} {% set url = convert([myfolder, key]) %} In my loader.php, I have declared the helper directory and have this code: //$params should be single dimensional array $compiler->addFunction('convert', function($params){ var_dump($params); return

How can I set up a user defined function in Volt (Phalcon)

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-21 04:18:26
问题 How can I set up a user defined function in Volt? For instance I want to call a function that would translate strings in my views as such: <div class='page-header'> <h2>{{ tr('session_login_title') }}</h2> </div> and I want the tr to map to a function \My\Locale::translate($key) 回答1: Volt functions act as string replacements and do not actually call the underlying function. Volt translates the function into the relevant string which in return is interpreted by PHP. Suppose you have a Locale

How can I add volt syntax checking in PHPStorm

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-20 08:56:14
问题 I want to be able to have syntax highlighting in PHPStorm for Volt, Phalcon's template engine. Is there a way to do so? 回答1: In PHPStorm, click File -> Settings On the left side of the options click Editor -> File Types On the list that appears on the right, scroll down and select Twig In the bottom panel, click the + button to add a new wildcard and add *.volt Click OK and then OK again. 回答2: Right click on a .volt file in the project tab. Click on associate with a file type . Choose twig .

How do I create common template with header and footer for phalcon projects with Volt Engine

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-11 06:29:18
问题 I want to create a common template with header and footer for every pages in /views using phalcon volt engine my folder hierarchy is below /views /user register.volt /layouts header.volt footer.volt I want to get both code of header.volt and footer.volt into register.volt page this is the code in header.volt <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation"> <div class="container-full"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle=

Sending variable from volt to custom function

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-11 03:24:42
问题 I have created a custom function I can access from the volt. The function seems to work fine, but I cannot manage to send the variable to the function. It sends the variable as text instead of its value. The twig function: $volt->getCompiler()->addFunction('getusergroup', function ($user) { return \Models\User::getUserGroup($user); }); The function in the Model: public static function getUserGroup($user) { return UserGroup::find(array('conditions' => 'user_id = ' . $user)); } The lines in

How can I dynamically reference template file in volt template?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-09 20:57:33
问题 We know, {% include header.volt %} is reference file with name's header.volt . How can I dynamically reference template file in volt template? like this: {% include variable %} when variable equal footer.volt , theen the program will reference file with name's footer.volt when variable equal index.volt , then the program will reference file with name's index.volt ... thanks! 回答1: I'm not sure if using variables in include will work, but you can always use partial() to include your template: {

Netbeans syntax highlighting for volt (twig) and php in phtml files

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-09 13:17:17
问题 I'm working with Phalcon in Netbeans. I see I can use twig plugin for template highlighting for volt files. I am using phtml files and want highlighting for volt (twig) and php. Is this possible? Also related - Netbeans keeps duplicating my phtml view files and adding the extention .phtml.php to them. How can I fix that? 回答1: Go to Tools->Options->Miscellaneous->Files right to "File Extensions" press "create" and type there "volt". After that in "Associated File Type (MIME)" choose "TWIG