
vimperator autohide statusline

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-04 14:01:35
问题 Most of the time the Vimperator Statusline just sits there taking up space. Is there any way to autohide it so it only shows when I'm using it? main_coon and _libjs don't work in recent firefox 回答1: Based on "javascript to hide statusbar noremap <silent> <F8> :js toggle_bottombar()<CR> noremap : :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>: noremap o :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>o noremap O :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>O noremap t :js toggle

disable Vimperator temporarily

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-04 07:48:31
问题 How can I disable Vimperator temporarily? For example, I'd like to disable Vimperator temporarily when I am using a web email app. Is there a command for it? 回答1: I am guessing you already know about Shift-Esc to temporarily disable vimperator. So I wrote how to disable vimperator based on your current location. First, the solution: autocmd LocationChange .* js modes.passAllKeys = false autocmd LocationChange mail\\.google\\.com js modes.passAllKeys = true autocmd LocationChange www\\.google\

vimperator autohide statusline

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-03 08:08:44
Most of the time the Vimperator Statusline just sits there taking up space. Is there any way to autohide it so it only shows when I'm using it? main_coon and _libjs don't work in recent firefox boriselec Based on "javascript to hide statusbar noremap <silent> <F8> :js toggle_bottombar()<CR> noremap : :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>: noremap o :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>o noremap O :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>O noremap t :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>t noremap T :js toggle_bottombar('on')<CR>t noremap / :js toggle_bottombar('on'

disable Vimperator temporarily

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-02 16:34:10
How can I disable Vimperator temporarily? For example, I'd like to disable Vimperator temporarily when I am using a web email app. Is there a command for it? I am guessing you already know about Shift-Esc to temporarily disable vimperator. So I wrote how to disable vimperator based on your current location. First, the solution: autocmd LocationChange .* js modes.passAllKeys = false autocmd LocationChange mail\\.google\\.com js modes.passAllKeys = true autocmd LocationChange www\\.google\\.com/calendar js modes.passAllKeys = true autocmd LocationChange www\\.google\\.com/reader js modes

Simulate Mouse Over in Vimperator plugin

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-27 12:23:42
I'm attempting to write a Vimperator plugin to allow use of hints mode to simulate mouse over on drop down menus. I have the hints mode working and can correctly choose elements that have mouseover events attached. The problem is my function to simulate the mouse over is not working. This is what I currently have: function SimulateMouseOver(elem) { var evt = elem.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initMouseEvent('mouseover',true,true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView,0,0,0,0,0, false,false,false,false,0,null); var canceled = !elem.dispatchEvent(evt); if(canceled) alert('Event

Simulate Mouse Over in Vimperator plugin

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-11-26 15:59:48
问题 I'm attempting to write a Vimperator plugin to allow use of hints mode to simulate mouse over on drop down menus. I have the hints mode working and can correctly choose elements that have mouseover events attached. The problem is my function to simulate the mouse over is not working. This is what I currently have: function SimulateMouseOver(elem) { var evt = elem.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initMouseEvent('mouseover',true,true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView,0,0,0,0,0, false