
How to handle VFS proxy error in WSO2 EI 6.4?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 09:47:55
问题 In VFS proxy, How I can handle errors? For example in below cases: If VFS is not able to connect to SFTP server due to different reasons(like wrong password, directory not exist etc). I am able to see Warning in console log but I want to send a mail or want to do some other stuff if connection is not possible. If the folder does not exist where we have to move file after reading. I am able to handle error during processing in FaultSequence but that thing does not work for proxy. I tried to

WSO2 ESB: How to download a file over HTTP?

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-12-13 07:39:09
问题 I want to download an XML file from a Web site using WSO2 ESB. Assume that the URL is static for the sake of simplicity. I have tried VFS both as a proxy service and an individual sequence without success, and couldn't find any relevant material on the Internet. Here is the sequence XML: <sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="download"> <in> <log level="headers"> <property name="?" value="[download] in: started"/> </log> <property name="OUT_ONLY" value="true" scope="default"

WSO2 ESB: How to download a file over HTTP?

半腔热情 提交于 2020-12-13 07:37:45
问题 I want to download an XML file from a Web site using WSO2 ESB. Assume that the URL is static for the sake of simplicity. I have tried VFS both as a proxy service and an individual sequence without success, and couldn't find any relevant material on the Internet. Here is the sequence XML: <sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="download"> <in> <log level="headers"> <property name="?" value="[download] in: started"/> </log> <property name="OUT_ONLY" value="true" scope="default"

Previewing rails server on AWS Cloud 9: VFS Connection does not exist [Firefox only]

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-03-22 06:10:27
问题 Update: This is specific to Firefox. This does not occur using Chrome. I will leave the text below as is, but now the main question is, how and what in Firefox is causing this. It occurs regardless of cookie settings, such as allowing third-party cookies and trackers. Preface: I've searched and read dozens of pages trying to resolve this issue I've gone through all the troubleshooting steps in the AWS documentation, eg, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloud9/latest/user-guide/app-preview.html#app


感情迁移 提交于 2020-03-02 21:19:24
由于 Linux 的VFS(虚拟文件系统)机制导致的,正常登录以后,所看到的各个目录,文件都是内核在加载时候构造在内存中的VFS目录树,而不是直接看到硬盘上的实际目录树。当你挂载某个设备到一个VFS挂载点上时(比如/home),系统就把VFS中的这个挂载点/home指向你最后所挂载的那个设备上。那么你现在访问该挂载点时,就会看到你最后挂载在此处的设备。而之前所挂载的设备依然在那里,只不过挂载点/home已经不再指向之前的设备。所以之前的数据是被隐藏了,但并没有删除,若umount挂载后,数据又重新回来了 基于这种情况,只能通过跳板的方式把原来的/home数据复制到新的/home分区下了 ,如何添加新硬盘,请查找相关资料 mkdir /new ###跳板目录 mount /dev/sdb1 /new ###首先挂载跳板目录 cp -R /home/* /new ###复制/home目录所有数据到/new先 rm -rf /home/* ####可选,主要为了腾出空间给原来的硬盘 mount /dev/sdb1 /home ###挂载/home 到新硬盘,此时你会神奇的发现之前的/home目录文件已经全部转移过来了,也许你会有点疑问,我并没有复制或移动/new文件到新挂载的/home目录啊,其实此时的/home目录相当于/new目录的硬链接,可以 测试 下mkdir /new/test


与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-02-07 02:53:14
(简单做个笔记) VFS和ramfs LiteOS提供了VFS和各类文件系统 (摘自百度百科)VFS(virtual File System)的作用就是采用标准的Unix系统调用读写位于不同物理介质上的不同文件系统,即为各类文件系统提供了一个统一的操作界面和应用编程接口。 ramfs是建立在内存中的一个非常简单的文件系统,通过它可以了解LiteOS的文件系统机制 ramfs_init 使用文件系统前,通过ramfs_init()注册ramfs los_vfs_init初始化VFS,作用是注册一个文件系统的互斥量 los_fs_register(&ramfs_fs)注册ramfs ramfs_fs是一个file_system结构体变量,file_system定义如下 struct file_system { const char fs_name [ LOS_FS_MAX_NAME_LEN ] ; struct file_ops * fs_fops ; struct file_system * fs_next ; volatile uint32_t fs_refs ; } ; 这是一个链表 file_ops结构体的部分定义如下 struct file_ops { int ( * open ) ( struct file * , const char * , int ) ; int (

VFS(Virtual File System)

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-31 21:24:05
一、 VFS 作为内核子系统,为用户空间程序提供了文件系统相关的接口。所有实际文件系统依赖VFS共存,依靠VFS系统工作。 1、VFS提供通用文件系统接口:用户空间程序可以利用标准的UNIX文件系统调用,如open()\read()\write(),对不同物理介质上的不同文件系统进行操作。 2、VFS提供文件系统抽象层:VFS提供了一个通用文件系统模型,该模型囊括了所有实际文件系统的常用功能和行为。VFS抽象层定义了所有实际文件系统支持的基本的、概念上的接口和数据结构,所以VFS能衔接各种实际文件系统。 二、Unix文件系统使用了四种与文件系统相关的 抽象概念 : 文件(file)、目录项(dentry)、索引节点(inode)、安装点(mount point). 1、 文件系统 是特殊的数据分层存储结构,它包含文件、目录和相关的控制信息。文件系统被安装在一个特定的安装点(mount point)上。 2、 安装点(mount point) 在全局层次结构中被称作命名空间,所有已安装的实际文件系统都作为根文件系统树的枝叶出现在系统中。 3、Linux将这种层次化概念引入单个进程中,每个进程指定一个唯一的 命名空间 。因为每个进程都会继承父进程的命名空间,所以所有进程往往都只有一个全局命名空间。 4、 文件(file) 是一个有序字节串,字节串中第一个字节是文件的头

VFS2 Error cannot delete file and could not get the groups id of the current user (error code: -1)

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-24 03:26:29
问题 I'm using VFS2 to take and import files into the folders by SFTP protocol. But I'm obtaining an Error. Picture below my code: Into the log for all files I'm watching this error: The error sequence is: 1) cannot delete file 2) Could not determine if file 3) Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Could not get the groups id of the current user (error code: -1) Properties folder: Could it dependens on the owner/groups ? 回答1: This is a known issue - see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse

Is an atomic-rename possible in Mac VFS/HFS+?

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-11 13:25:14
问题 With support for ACLs in Mac OS X, there is a way to declare a file as writeable but non-deletable. This poses a problem with atomic writes, since the current implementation of rename in VFS delete s a pre-existing target. If you have an existing file, which you have write privileges on, it is possible to be unable to atomically write to: Simply attach an ACL that states deny delete and an atomic write (like implemented by various Cocoa APIs — e.g. NSArray's writeToFile:atomically:) will fail

How to change a file that used to be a directory back to directory on linux?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-01-05 13:08:42
问题 I was playing around with Apache VFS API to move files back and forth between my local machine and remote linux host over sftp and it converted some directories to files somehow on my linux host from drw-r----- to -rw-r----- Does anyone know how to convert it back to a directory? 回答1: You have to remove the file and then make a directory containing the file's original name. The problem is not that a directory was converted to a file, the problem was that a directory was deleted, and a file of