
PHP版本VC6与VC9、Thread Safe与None-Thread Safe等的区别

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-06 06:31:12
转载一篇 最近发现很多PHP程序员对PHP版本知识了解不是很清楚,自己也看了不少类似的文章,还是感觉不够明确和全面,网上的结论又都是模棱两可,在此,给出最完整甚至武断的解释。 本文讲解:VC6与VC9,Thread Safety与None-Thread Safe,Apache module与fastcgi的区别与选择。 PHP的大版本主要分三支:PHP4/PHP5/PHP6   其中,PHP4由于太古老、对OO支持不力已基本被淘汰,请无视PHP4。   PHP6由于基本没有生产线上的应用,还基本只是一款概念产品,很多功能已在PHP5.3.3上实现,所以也不详述,请无视PHP6。   PHP5的版本主要分四支:PHP5.2之前的版本、PHP5.2.X、PHP5.3和日前发布的PHP5.4。 那我们应该如何选择适用自己项目的版本呢? PHP5.2之前的版本不值得考虑,因为某些功能缺陷或者BUG,PHP5.2之前的版本。PHP5.4还处于Beta试用的版本号,非稳定版本,请无视PHP5.4。   主流PHP程序对PHP5.2.X的兼容性最好,而每次版本号的升级带来的都是安全性和稳定性的改善,所以宜挑选最新的版本。目前PHP5.2系列最新的是PHP5.2.17。   而如果产品是自己开发自己使用,PHP5.3在某些方面更具优势,在稳定性上更胜一筹,增加了很多PHP5.2所不具有的功能


允我心安 提交于 2019-12-05 10:26:49
之前因为工作需要,深入研究了 rabbitmq 的 C 代码,并以 libevent 为基础将其改造成事件驱动的单线程模型。由于一直都是自己写库封装和 demo 代码来测试,所以上述库都以 VS2010 的静态库(.lib)形式提供。前天,终于有业务人员要基于这个 demo 写东西了,但却发现编译链接都不行,究其原因是由于所用的编译器 VC6 太老旧的缘故。 库的跨编译器使用问题属于老生常谈,网上的资料也很多,这里出现的内容网上也都有,可以对比参阅。 起因: 我提供了 rabbitmq 和 libevent 的静态库,以及相关头文件;业务人员在 VC6 中完整业务逻辑编写。 现象: 编译后,报如下错误 Linking... Creating library ..\..\..\..\10-common\version\debug\win32\mos\mos.lib and object ..\..\..\..\10-common\version\debug\win32\mos\mos.exp libevent-1.4.13.lib(evutil.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __RTC_CheckEsp libevent-1.4.13.lib(signal.obj) : error LNK2001:

PHP 5.3.1 安装包 VC9 VC6 的区别

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-05 09:50:54
在PHP100混了这么久也写点东西出来吧,最近在PHP官网上看到又有新版的PHP下载了,于是上去找找For Windows的版本,可是一看确傻眼了,一共给了四个版本,VC9 x86 Non Thread Safe、VC9 x86 Thread Safe、VC6 x86 Non Thread Safe、VC6 x86 Thread Safe,这让 在PHP100混了这么久也写点东西出来吧,最近在PHP官网上看到又有新版的PHP下载了,于是上去找找For Windows的版本,可是一看确傻眼了,一共给了四个版本,VC9 x86 Non Thread Safe、VC9 x86 Thread Safe、VC6 x86 Non Thread Safe、VC6 x86 Thread Safe,这让我这个菜鸟头疼啊,还好PHP官网提供下载的地方左边有个英文choose我看懂了,我估摸着就是如何来选择版本的意思吧,于是开始查字典及上网查找,终于看明白了具体意思,拿来做个备忘先。 再给PHP100做个广告,据说老大要出视频演示了,我就简单解释一下。 一、如何选择PHP5.3的VC9版本和VC6版本 VC6是什么? VC6就是legacy Visual Studio 6 compiler,就是使用这个编译器编译的。 VC9是什么? VC9就是the Visual Studio 2008

Removing SourceSafe Integration from Visual Studio 6

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-11-30 22:14:47
Recently, the SourceSafe integration into visual studio has started to perform badly because we have moved, and the SourceSafe "server" is located across a VPN which goes across a slow connection. This has made loading large projects in visual c++ 6 take 5+ minutes because it has to talk to the "server" for each project. Also, there are some bugs that are dangerous in the integration (the auto-checkout of certain shared projects will do a get latest on the wrong version of a branched file). This has caused me to want to disable the SourceSafe integration, however I have not found any menu

How to debug with Visual C++ 6 on Windows 7 x64?

点点圈 提交于 2019-11-30 14:49:19
Surely the answer will be "you can't" or "use XP mode", but I'd like to know if it it possible. The issue I have is that whenever I debug some application and hit a breakpoint, when I stop the debugger the debuggee remains stuck. It can't be killed, I can't attach another debugger (it says it is already being debugged). It won't go away until I close Visual C++. This is hapenning on a Windows 7 64 bits install. VC has SP 6 installed. My previous fix was horrible. Finally, I developped a new fix, working perfectly with the english version of Visual Studio 6. (SP6 I think) You need to check the


我们两清 提交于 2019-11-30 13:43:07
---恢复内容开始--- 大一新生,在使用vc6.0的过程中发现,在两个for循环中定义相同的变量的话,编译会报错,上网查了查大神们的说法,总结一下就是VC6.0编译器对C++语法支持不足,在使用更高版本的编译器后,均编译通过,刚开通博客园希望能在这里交流,成长,学习,个人拙见。 还有在入门使用vc6.0,的时候遇到过各种报错, vc6.0确实太老,嘻嘻,但是好像好多学校都是从VC或者DEV-C入门,以win10好多刚开始vc不能正常编译的,好多都是编译器路径设置的不对, tools->Options在这里根据你的装路基进行更改 ---恢复内容结束--- 来源:

Running Visual Studio 6 C++ in Windows 8.1

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-11-30 07:16:20
I recently migrated my system to windows 8.1. Unfortunatly like some others, I am not able to start Visual Studio 6 anymore. The software is crashing at startup (splash screen). I know there are some workaround, to be able to compile with vc6 in newer IDEs, but this is not working for me, since I have to compile a huge number of project and I cannot afford of modifying all the project files 1 by 1... I already see the answer coming: that vc6 is so old, and not supported and so on... I am aware about all that! But migrating a lot of code can take a long time and for now we have no other

Visual Studio 2010 64-bit COM Interop Issue

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-11-30 05:04:59
I am trying to add a VC6 COM DLL to our VS2010RC C# solution. The DLL was compiled with the VC6 tools to create an x86 version and was compiled with the VC7 Cross-platform tools to generate a VC7 DLL. The x86 version of the assembly works fine as long as the consuming C# project's platform is set to x86. It doesn't matter whether the x64 or the x86 version of the DLL is actually registered. It works with both. If the platform is set to 'Any CPU' I receive a BadImageFormatException on the load of the Interop.<name>.dll . As for the x64 version, I cannot even get the project to build. I receive

What are the differences between Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual C++ 2008?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-11-30 03:57:01
What are the advantages/disadvantages between MS VS C++ 6.0 and MSVS C++ 2008? The main reason for asking such a question is that there are still many decent programmers that prefer using the older version instead of the newest version. Is there any reason the might prefer the older over the new? Well, for one thing it may be because the executables built with MSVS 6 require only msvcrt.dll (C runtime) which is shipped with Windows now. The MSVS 2008 executables need msvcrt9 shipped with them (or already installed). Plus, you have a lot of OSS libraries already compiled for Windows 32 bit with

Using C++ DLLs with different compiler versions

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-11-29 04:40:34
This question is related to "How to make consistent dll binaries across VS versions ?" We have applications and DLLs built with VC6 and a new application built with VC9. The VC9-app has to use DLLs compiled with VC6, most of which are written in C and one in C++. The C++ lib is problematic due to name decoration/mangling issues. Compiling everything with VC9 is currently not an option as there appear to be some side effects. Resolving these would be quite time consuming. I can modify the C++ library, however it must be compiled with VC6. The C++ lib is essentially an OO-wrapper for another C