
TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc returned wrong DateTime

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-19 07:47:06
问题 I called method: TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time")) // UTC+0 It is returned DateTime for one hour larger than the correct DateTime. Why? How will it fix? Returned value should be equal DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() 回答1: UTC is equal to GMT. But currently we're in BST due to summer, which is GMT + 1. GMT Standard Time automatically adjusts for daylight savings. Use Greenwich Standard Time , rather than GMT

Convert UTC String to UTC Date [Android - Java] [duplicate]

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-17 07:04:14
问题 This question already has answers here : want current date and time in “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS” format (10 answers) Getting the current time millis from device and converting it into a new date with different timezone [duplicate] (2 answers) SimpleDateFormat with timezone displaying dates in my timezone, how do I fix this? [duplicate] (2 answers) Closed 5 months ago . I want to convert UTC time to Date. It should return Date as Expected result is : 2020-09-01T08:44:25.654Z output is -> "Tue

How to convert ISO 8601 formatted DateTime to another time zone in Java?

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-10 15:12:37
问题 My current date: Date utc: 2018-06-06T16:30:00Z (ISO 8601 in UTC) OR Date iso: 2018-06-06T11:30:00-05:00 (ISO 8601) OR Date epoch: 1528302600000 (Epoch/Unix Timestamp) I wish to convert the above DateTime to some another time zone areas (like GMT+5:30). And I'm not sure which time format I'll receive from above three. So can I've a generic method which can convert above to some another time zone returning java.util.Date in Java 8? I did Something like this, But it didn't worked out public

convert java.util.Date to java.util.Date with different formating in JAVA [duplicate]

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-05 10:46:28
问题 This question already has answers here : want current date and time in “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS” format (10 answers) display Java.util.Date in a specific format (10 answers) Closed 7 months ago . I get Date as java.util.Date(not String) : (java.util.Date) Mon Jul 13 00:00:00 IST 2020 I want to convert it to : 2020-07-13T00:00 format==>("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm") but as DATE not String. I tried following code: Date scheduleDate=details.getScheduledDate(); // This value is fetched from object passed-

Convert yyyy-mm-dd to UTC in Javascript

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-05 02:36:45
问题 I need to convert a date in yyyy-mm-dd like 2011-12-30 to UTC using only javascript. How? 回答1: var utc = new Date('2011-12-30').toUTCString(); jsFiddle. 回答2: If you're having problems getting the other listed solution to work in firefox or safari you can use: http://www.datejs.com/ myDate = new Date.parse("2011-12-30") myUTCDate = Date.UTC(myDate.getFullYear(), myDate.getMonth(), myDate.getDate(), myDate.getHours(), myDate.getMinutes(), myDate.getSeconds(), myDate.getMilliseconds()); Voila!!

Convert yyyy-mm-dd to UTC in Javascript

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-05 02:34:31
问题 I need to convert a date in yyyy-mm-dd like 2011-12-30 to UTC using only javascript. How? 回答1: var utc = new Date('2011-12-30').toUTCString(); jsFiddle. 回答2: If you're having problems getting the other listed solution to work in firefox or safari you can use: http://www.datejs.com/ myDate = new Date.parse("2011-12-30") myUTCDate = Date.UTC(myDate.getFullYear(), myDate.getMonth(), myDate.getDate(), myDate.getHours(), myDate.getMinutes(), myDate.getSeconds(), myDate.getMilliseconds()); Voila!!

Is UTC_TIMESTAMP() affected by daylight savings?

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-04 19:08:21
问题 I am writing an app that has a time slot booking system. The users can be in different timezones, thus I need to store the values in the database in UTC time. I was wondering how UTC_TIMESTAMP() is calculated in MySQL. Is it reliable? If the server timezone is in an area with daylight savings will UTC_TIMESTAMP() always behave correctly, even during time changes due to daylight savings? 回答1: UTC is always +0:00 - it ignores daylight savings, regardless of whether or not it is in effect. In

When is it ok to store datetimes as local time rathen than UTC?

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-04 16:47:37
问题 This is a question similar to this one. I'm really tempted to store datetimes in my app as local time rather than as UTC (which is considered a best practice). In the app I have a number of events happening, each assigned to a given location. Always when I display them to the user, I want to show the local time of the event. I.e.: ==================================================================================== Event time (with TZ) | As UTC | As local time | To be displayed | =============

When is it ok to store datetimes as local time rathen than UTC?

久未见 提交于 2021-02-04 16:47:22
问题 This is a question similar to this one. I'm really tempted to store datetimes in my app as local time rather than as UTC (which is considered a best practice). In the app I have a number of events happening, each assigned to a given location. Always when I display them to the user, I want to show the local time of the event. I.e.: ==================================================================================== Event time (with TZ) | As UTC | As local time | To be displayed | =============

Scala UTC timestamp in seconds since January 1st, 1970

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-04 10:33:47
问题 How do I get the Scala UTC timestamp in seconds since January 1st, 1970? 回答1: Same way as you would in Java: val timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis / 1000 回答2: As of Java 8 it's possible to do so like so: import java.time.Instant unixTimestamp : Long = Instant.now.getEpochSecond Via micha's answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24703573/577199 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11352037/scala-utc-timestamp-in-seconds-since-january-1st-1970