

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-03-29 05:17:29
长期以来,不论是UPS的供应商还是用户,在UPS功率因数问题上,一直都在讨论着一个焦点性的问题:用户声言要高功率因数的UPS,供应商也说这个数值越大越好,于是各厂家就尽全力去提高这个参数。到底UPS的功率因数是大点好还是小点好呢? 功率因数是指任意二端网络(与外界有二个接点的电路)两端电压U与其中电流I之间的位相差的余弦 。在二端网络中消耗的功率是指平均功率,也称为有功功率,它等于 由此可以看出,电路中消耗的功率P,不仅取决于电压V与电流I的大小,还与功率因数有关。而功率因数的大小,取决于电路中负载的性质。对于电阻性负载,其电压与电流的位相差为0,因此,电路的功率因数最大( );而纯电感电路,电压与电流的位相差为π/2,并且是电压超前电流;在纯电容电路中,电压与电流的位相差则为-(π/2),即电流超前电压。在后两种电路中,功率因数都为0。对于一般性负载的电路,功率因数就介于0与1之间。 一般来说,在二端网络中,提高用电器的功率因数有两方面的意义,一是可以减小输电线路上的功率损失;二是可以充分发挥电力设备(如发电机、变压器等)的潜力。因为用电器总是在一定电压U和一定有功功率P的条件下工作,由 公式 : 可知,功率因数过低,就要用较大的电流来保障用电器正常工作,与此同时输电线路上输电电流增大,从而导致线路上焦耳热损耗增大。另外,在输电线路的电阻上及电源的内组上的电压降


元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-03-28 12:34:51
1. 安装配置 # 解压 tar -xf mysql-8.0.18-el7-x86_64.tar.gz -C /ups/app/mysql/ cd /ups/app/mysql/ mv mysql-8.0.18-el7-x86_64 mysql8 cd mysql8 mkdir -p {config,logs} mkdir -p /ups/data/mydata/mysql8 chown -R mysql:mysql . chown -R mysql:mysql /ups/data/mydata/mysql8 chmod 700 /ups/data/mydata/mysql8 cat> config/my.cnf <<-EOF [mysqld] basedir = /ups/app/mysql/mysql8 datadir = /ups/data/mydata/mysql8 log-error = /ups/app/mysql/mysql8/logs/mysql6033.err pid-file = /ups/app/mysql/mysql8/logs/ socket = /ups/app/mysql/mysql8/logs/mysql6033.sock port = 6033 default-storage-engine = INNODB

Woocommerce - Create Free shipping for single item while using UPS extension

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-25 00:43:28
问题 I am using the UPS extension in woocommerce. I need to offer free shipping on some items, bypassing the UPS calculator. It seems one good way to do this is to mark the item as "virtuaL," but then the item doesn't require shipping. I need to require shipping for this item. I have been able to customize the checkout page and force the shipping fields to show on the virtual items, but then they don't store in the actual orders. Anybody know how I can create a custom function or modify the


青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-01-22 04:12:18
本文简单介绍UPS(不间断电源)的相关知识。 1 概述 UPS(Uninterrupted Power Supply),即不间断电源,是将蓄电池与主机相连接,通过主机逆变器等模块电路,将蓄电池中直流(DC,Direct Current)电转换成市电交流(AC,Alternating Current)电的系统设备。UPS 主要用于给单台计算机、计算机网络系统或其它电力电子设备如电磁阀、压力变送器等提供稳定、不间断的电力供应。 当市电输入正常时,UPS 将市电稳压后供应给负载使用,此时的UPS就是一台交流式电稳压器,同时它还向机内蓄电池充电;当市电中断(事故停电)时, UPS 立即将蓄电池的直流电能,通过逆变器切换转换的方法,向负载继续供应220V交流电,使负载维持正常工作,并保护负载的软、硬件不受损坏。此外,UPS 设备通常对电压过高或电压过低都能提供保护。 2 工作原理 UPS 的工作原理如下图: 从上图中可以看到,在电网电压工作正常时,UPS 给负载供电,同时给蓄电池充电;当突发停电时,UPS 电源开始工作,由蓄电池为负载提供所需电源(黑色箭头所示);此外,当由于生产需要,负载严重过载时,由电网电压经整流直接给负载供电(如虚线所示)。 3 总结 综上所述,能够得知 UPS 的主要作用是在市电中断时为负载继续提供市电,即事故停电时的电力保障,所以, 将 UPS 作为“大容量备用电池

How to prevent data loss in a .net application due to sudden power failure?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-06 20:18:36
问题 We are developing an RetailPOS .net (windows) application. One of the customer asks 'What will happen to current data being processed in the application when a power went off suddenly?', 'Will the application able to recover the unsaved data?' I am wondering, how this feature can be included in the .net application? Can some help me, what needs to be done for this? 回答1: First, look into a UPS (un-interuptable power supply) Second, look into creating persistent transactions, transactions that

How to prevent data loss in a .net application due to sudden power failure?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-06 20:17:12
问题 We are developing an RetailPOS .net (windows) application. One of the customer asks 'What will happen to current data being processed in the application when a power went off suddenly?', 'Will the application able to recover the unsaved data?' I am wondering, how this feature can be included in the .net application? Can some help me, what needs to be done for this? 回答1: First, look into a UPS (un-interuptable power supply) Second, look into creating persistent transactions, transactions that

Regular Expression patterns for Tracking numbers

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-29 02:32:49
问题 Does anybody know good place or patterns for checking which company tracking number is the given tracking number for a package. Idea is After scanning a barcode for a package check tracking number with patterns and show which company it was shipped by. 回答1: Just thought I would post an update on this as I am working on this to match via jquery and automatically select the appropriate shipping carrier. I compiled a list of the matching regex for my project and I have tested a lot of tracking

UPS epl label show on web page

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-25 05:19:06
问题 I am using ue UPS shipment API ... <LabelSpecification> <LabelStockSize> <Height>4</Height> <Width>6</Width> </LabelStockSize> <LabelPrintMethod> <Code>EPL</Code> <Description>epl file</Description> </LabelPrintMethod> <HTTPUserAgent>Mozilla/4.5</HTTPUserAgent> <LabelImageFormat> <Code>GIF</Code> <Description>gif</Description> </LabelImageFormat> </LabelSpecification> . . . it's return raw format of image like

UPS API - printing the returned shipping label GIF data

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-24 17:24:30
问题 So I'm working my way through the UPS API 'create shipping label' process...I'm at the final stage, where having validated everything, UPS return the actual shipping label to me in GIF format, from their example document, here's what is returned via XML (I've edited out all the other preceding XML bits).. <GraphicImage>FSDJHSDJHJ3487EHNE9U8DY9VHRFV89SDFHFSDJHFSDIDFH SJKDFSJKDFSJIU9GFIUGJIFDUJG9UKGLDJFDKJDGKJDFKGDJLDFKSJGKDFJDKGFDG9E0ER

How to solve JSON Syntax error. How to get response?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-24 07:45:17
问题 This is the UPS shipping webservices API. I am getting this error : {"Error":{"Code":"4","Description":"JSON Syntax error"}} AJAX Code: <script> var formData = { "UPSSecurity": { "UsernameToken": { "Username":"", "Password":"xxxxx" }, "ServiceAccessToken": { "AccessLicenseNumber":"1234D567DF67" } }, "RateRequest": { "Request": { "RequestOption":"Rate", "TransactionReference": { "CustomerContext":"Test saran" } }, "Shipment": { "Shipper": { "Name":"Saravanan", "ShipperNumber":"Y72A41",