
Prolog - Explain trace steps in English

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-24 11:48:09
问题 plays(alice, leadguitar). plays(noah, drums). plays(mike, leadguitar). plays(mike, drums). plays(katie, baseguitar). plays(drew, leadguitar). plays(drew, baseguitar). duetwith(Person1,Person2):- plays(Person1,L), plays(Person2,L), Person1 \= Person2. I write a new rule called combo that determines whether or not three people can make a combo with a drummer, a base guitar, and a lead guitar. combo(Person1,Person2,Person3):- plays(Person1,X), plays(Person2,Y), plays(Person3,Z), X \= Y, Y \= Z,

Unification not providing me user password and username

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-24 10:56:38
问题 When I am using Instagram sharing then how can I get username and password from Instagram (current login user). $app = new UEApp(self::APP_SECRET, self::APP_SECRET); $user = new UEUser($this->currentUser->unification_userkey, $this->currentUser->unification_usersecret); $con = $access_token."@instagram.com/?username=rajneesh49&password=test&@instagram.com"; Now I am using static password and username then its working fine but How can I get current username and password(required filed by

Type inference to unification problem

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-24 04:48:07
问题 Has anyone an idea how the type inference problem E > hd (cons 1 nil) : α0 with the typing environment E={ hd : list(α1 ) → α1 , cons : α2 → list(α2 ) → list(α2 ), nil : list(α3 ), 1 : int } can be transferred in an unification problem? Any help would really be appreciated! 回答1: First, rename type variables so that none of the variables in your expression collide with variables in the typing environment. (In your example, this is already done since the expression references { a0 }, and the

Recursion in Prolog - Finding Path Between Cities

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-24 04:15:07
问题 I'm trying to work my way through the exercises at the bottom of this page and I find myself utterly confused on number 3. We are given the following knowledge base of travel information: byCar(auckland, hamilton). byCar(hamilton, raglan). byCar(valmont, saarbruecken). byCar(valmont, metz). byTrain(metz, frankfurt). byTrain(saarbruecken, frankfurt). byTrain(metz, paris). byTrain(saarbruecken, paris). byPlane(frankfurt, bangkok). byPlane(frankfurt, singapore). byPlane(paris, losAngeles).

Surprising failure of unification in Idris

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-24 00:56:55
问题 I'm trying to make what one might call a decidable parser in Idris. At first I am just looking at parsing natural numbers, but have ran into an unexpected problem. A minimum example of the code that produces it is this: data Digit : Char -> Type where Zero : Digit '0' One : Digit '1' digitToNat : Digit a -> Nat digitToNat Zero = 0 digitToNat One = 1 natToChar : Nat -> Char natToChar Z = '0' natToChar (S Z) = '1' natToDigit : (n : Nat) -> Digit (natToChar n) natToDigit Z = Zero natToDigit (S Z

Type variable to be unified occurs in type

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-20 03:12:33
问题 I have a function to reconstruct a tree from 2 lists. I return a list on all branches, but I am getting an error that I don't understand. But I assume it has to do with the return types. The error is this: Can't unify ''a with ''a list (Type variable to be unified occurs in type) Found near recon ( ::( preoH, preoT), ::( inoH, ...)) Exception- Fail "Static errors (pass2)" raised The line the error occurs at is the headline of the function definition fun recon (preoH::preoT, inoH::inoT) = What

Type of fun g x = ys where ys = [x] ++ filter (curry g x) ys?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-17 21:11:49
问题 I'm trying to understand why the type of fun g x = ys where ys = [x] ++ filter (curry g x) ys is ((a, a) -> Bool) -> a -> [a] . I understand that: filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] and that curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c But I don't understand how to continue. 回答1: The approach below is not necessarily the easiest or fastest, but it's relatively systematic. Strictly speaking, you're looking for the type of \g -> (\ x -> let ys = (++) [x] (filter (curry g x) ys) in ys) ( let and where

Prolog and List Unification

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-12 22:18:56
问题 I'm trying to further my understanding of Prolog, and how it handles unification. In this case, how it handles unification with lists. This is my knowledgebase; member(X, [X|_]). member(X, [_|T]):- member(X, T). If I'm understanding the process correctly. If member(X, [X|_]) is not true, then it moves into the recursive rule, and if X is in list T , then [_|T] is unified with T . So what happens to the anonymous variable in my recursive predicate? Does it get discarded? I'm having difficulty

Simplest example of need for “unification” in type inference

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-12 09:05:17
问题 I'm trying to get my head around how type inference is implemented. In particularly, I don't quite see where/why the heavy lifting of "unification" comes into play. I'll give an example in "pseudo C#" to help clarify: The naive way to do it would be something like this: Suppose you "parse" your program into an expression tree such that it can be executed with: interface IEnvironment { object lookup(string name); } interface IExpression { // Evaluate this program in this environment object

How does Prolog answer this query?

你。 提交于 2019-12-12 04:07:28
问题 likes(alice, sports). likes(alice, music). likes(carol, music). likes(david,animals). likes(david,X) :- likes(X,sports). likes(alice,X) :- likes(david,X). ?- likes(alice,X). I've been trying to learn prolog an few days now, and when I attempted this question, I realised that I don't completely understand when the variables are instantiated and used. The initial goal is : likes(alice , X) . After that, the next goal to prove is likes(david , X) ? Then is it likes(X, sports) . Then does X