
@font-face unicode-range attribute

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-19 07:26:46
问题 In some html documents I'm using webfonts for only a couple of words. Performance-wise loading a complete font-file seems wasteful. This is where the unicode-range parameter of the @font-face declaration comes in: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#unicode-range-desc With it I supposedly can define what characters of the font-file to load, thus improving performance greatly. But I just can't get it to work. And the odd thing is that it diplays all the characters in firefox, and it fails to load

Display text with two language in webpage with different fonts with font-face at rule in css

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-01-27 15:50:38
问题 My web page displays Persian text using the Yekan font as expected. Why does the English text incorrectly use a font other than Alger? @font-face { <!-- Persian Font --> font-family: Yekan; src: url(Fonts/BYekan.ttf); unicode-range:U+0600-06FF; } @font-face { <!-- English Font --> font-family: Alger; src: url(Fonts/ALGER.TTF); unicode-range: U+0020-007F; } 回答1: You can add only one font to an element Trick: Try giving them the same Name: @font-face { /* Persian Font */ font-family: 'MyFont';

Invalid unicodeRange in CSS, Flex

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-11 17:33:50
问题 I'm having a hard time trying to limit the size of the app by reducing the unicode range of my fonts. I've tried several different combinations, the error is the same no matter what range I put there: -invalid Unicode range '005A' Where 005A can be anything, if I do this: unicodeRange: U+0020-007E; The error is this: -invalid Unicode range '007E' I've tried different fonts, Arial, Helvetica, Century... Same error in everyone, all the unicode ranges throw errors in the CSS file. Any ideas what