
dispatch event to parent ViewController in swift

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-20 10:52:32
问题 I'm coming from as AS3 background so it might be easier for me to show you what I'm trying to do with AS3. I have a UIViewController(root) and inside that I have a ContainerView. I am under the impression that the container view's UIViewController is a child of the UIViewController(root). I would like a button to be pressed on the child view controller (container view) and bubble that event up to the parent(root UIViewController). In AS3 I would have something like this Root Class creates the

Perform a parent segue from the embedded view controller

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-20 10:37:04
问题 I have this: MyTableViewController (inherits from UITableViewController ) It has a dynamic tableview with a few cells (foo, bar, qux) MyViewController (inherits from UIViewController ) There are some "show" segues from this controller to other view controllers It has a UIContainerView that embeds MyTableViewController A picture speaks a thousand words: When a certain cell is selected, I want to perform a segue of the parent view ( MyViewController ) override func tableView(tableView:

Swift accessing and updating tableview in container view

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-20 04:15:50
问题 This is kind of confusing but I will do my best to explain. I have a view controller with a container view. In the container view is a table view. I want to update the tableview from the main view controller. For example, the table view will contain a list of names. As the user types in a name into a text field, the table view will update to find names that match what the user inputed. The main question is: How can I update the table view from the main view controller? Note: I can't use

how can I pass data from one container to another, both embedded in the same uiviewcontroller in swift?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-18 07:12:22
问题 I have a parent UIViewController and it has two different view containers - each of them has embedded UIViewController inside. It looks somehow like this: I want to change the label on the right container when user presses the button stored on the left one. So far I was able to do it while having a button placed in a parent view controller, then I was just using a protocol: in my parent component I had: class ParentController: UIViewController { var delegateEmbedded:HandleEmbedded? override

how can I pass data from one container to another, both embedded in the same uiviewcontroller in swift?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-18 07:12:19
问题 I have a parent UIViewController and it has two different view containers - each of them has embedded UIViewController inside. It looks somehow like this: I want to change the label on the right container when user presses the button stored on the left one. So far I was able to do it while having a button placed in a parent view controller, then I was just using a protocol: in my parent component I had: class ParentController: UIViewController { var delegateEmbedded:HandleEmbedded? override

Use of undeclared type ‘UIContainerView’

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-13 08:07:32
问题 I’m using xcode 7 , I’ve a storyboard controller with an UIContainerView When I’m trying to create an outlet to the controller there is this error "Use of undeclared type UIContainerView " it’s not a bug of xcode 7 because there is the same error on xcode 6 i need to create an outlet because when i switch the segmented control i have to programmatically change the embed of the container It's an error or i mustn't create an outlet for a container? It's seems that there is not something called

How to implement SegmentedControlValueChange to control Container View

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-13 05:47:59
问题 My question is a follow up to someone else's question. In the image that @ritch provides with his question, he has the following view controllers "View Controller" -> (Container View)"View Controller" ->["First Controller", "Second Controller"] For my question, I will rewrite them as "Parent Controller" -> (Container View)"Child Controller" ->["First Controller", "Second Controller"] So I am trying to implement the method - (IBAction)SegmentedControlValueChange:(UISegmentedControl *)sender {

Swift 4 How to pass data between ViewControllers and ContainerViews?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-13 03:13:04
问题 I have 3 ViewControllers: ViewController A and ViewController B, and Controller C which is actually a ContainerView consisting of two UIViews As you can see in the above picture, ViewController C has a clear background such that the "Test Label" can be seen in the UIViews of both ViewController A and B. When I swipe up from ViewController A to go to ViewController B, I want to be able to perform some animation (fade in/out, translate, change text etc..). Let's say I want to change the text

Class architecture for implementing a fully custom containerViewController in iOS

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-12 15:52:05
问题 I'm currently trying to build my own Custom ContainerViewController. I'm quite familiar with the iOS ViewController containment API (introduced in iOS 5) and the new iOS7 ViewController Transition API. While implementing my container, i tried to utilize the same patterns UINavigationController and UITabBarController are using. My Container is working well so far and using animated and interactive transitions properly. The Problem is, i packed a huge amount of the logic into my

Issues with container view

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-12 03:16:46
问题 I had created a page which has two container views that switch according to a segmented control on top. Basically I hide one of the container views based on what index is selected in the segmented control. Now within one of the container views, I added a table view and a cell. I also created a viewController class for the view contained in one of the containerviews which conforms to the UITableView DataSource and Delegate Protocols. When i run the app however, the segmented view is not