
Writing excellent Twisted web Resources

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-10 10:56:15
问题 I wrote my very first Twisted 10.1.0 web Resource and I am seeking for feedback, because I feel this isn't exactly following the best practice and may contain newbies bugs. The resource responds to /?url= and relies on a service that returns a dict . If anything goes wrong (e.g., invalid or non-existing url , then a 400 is returned). Any comment? Anything to fix, to improve class ProcessedUrl(resource.Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self, service): resource

Writing excellent Twisted web Resources

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-06 07:21:43
I wrote my very first Twisted 10.1.0 web Resource and I am seeking for feedback, because I feel this isn't exactly following the best practice and may contain newbies bugs. The resource responds to /?url= and relies on a service that returns a dict . If anything goes wrong (e.g., invalid or non-existing url , then a 400 is returned). Any comment? Anything to fix, to improve class ProcessedUrl(resource.Resource): isLeaf = True def __init__(self, service): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.service = service def _cancel(self, err, deferred): deferred.cancel() def

Which way to go with twisted and web-programming?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-05 18:22:43
问题 So, I programmed this twisted application a few months ago, which I now would like to extend with a web-based user interface for configuration. The Twisted website recommends Nevow, but I am not really sure if this is a good choice. Their website is down for a while it seems and their launchpad page hadn't seen any update in half a year. Is this project dead? Additionally I have seen discussion of moving parts of Nevow into twisted.web on the twisted-web mailinglist. So, is it still

How can I accomplish file uploads in twisted.web that don't suck?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-04 19:22:51
问题 I've searched and searched but can't seem to find a way to upload files to my twisted.web application in any reasonable way. Currently, posting file uploads to a resource results in a request.args['file'] variable, that is a list populated with file contents. I can't find a way to get any information about the file: mime type, filename, filesize (other than just taking the length of the strings in args['file'][] ), etc. I have read that twisted.web2 is better at file uploads. However I don't

Store an instance of a connection - twisted.web

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-04 05:27:53
问题 How I store an instance of a connection in twisted.web? I have seen request.getSession() but I searched and there are very few examples of how it is stored and retrieved later. Thanks. Update: I want to store the ldap connection in a session for retrieve later def render_POST(self, request): command = request.path[1:] session = request.getSession() if command == "authentication": Connect = LdapConnection(request.args['host'][0],request.args['user'][0],request.args['password'][0]) session

Which way to go with twisted and web-programming?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-04 03:33:41
So, I programmed this twisted application a few months ago, which I now would like to extend with a web-based user interface for configuration. The Twisted website recommends Nevow, but I am not really sure if this is a good choice. Their website is down for a while it seems and their launchpad page hadn't seen any update in half a year. Is this project dead? Additionally I have seen discussion of moving parts of Nevow into twisted.web on the twisted-web mailinglist. So, is it still recommended for new developments? Another idea was using Django. I would need user authentication and

Twisted and Websockets: Beyond Echo

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-04 00:26:24
问题 In my ongoing curiosity about websockets, I'm noticing a trend: The "hello world" of the websocket universe, at least at the moment, seems to be "echo" functionality. That is, the demonstrated application is typically, "I send something, I receive something." While aptly demonstrating that the protocol is functional, this example only actually demonstrates the same type of communication that the traditional request / response cycle enables. For example, the only demonstration (on the server

How can I write tests for code using twisted.web.client.Agent and its subclasses?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-03 17:36:39
I read the official tutorial on test-driven development, but it hasn't been very helpful in my case. I've written a small library that makes extensive use of twisted.web.client.Agent and its subclasses ( BrowserLikeRedirectAgent , for instance), but I've been struggling in adapting the tutorial's code to my own test cases. I had a look at twisted.web.test.test_web , but I don't understand how to make all the pieces fit together. For instance, I still have no idea how to get a Protocol object from an Agent , as per the official tutorial Can anybody show me how to write a simple test for some

Twisted listenSSL virtualhosts

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-02 08:59:24
问题 Currently using a really simple Twisted NameVirtualHost coupled with some JSON config files to serve really basic content in one Site object. The resources being served by Twisted are all WSGI objects built in flask. I was wondering on how to go about wrapping the connections to these domains with an SSLContext , since reactor.listenSSL takes one and only one context, it isn't readily apparent how to give each domain/subdomain it's own crt/key pair. Is there any way to set up named virtual

Python-Twisted: Reverse Proxy to HTTPS API: Could not connect

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-02 01:32:57
I am trying to build a reverse-proxy to talk to certain APIs(like Twitter, Github, Instagram) that I can then call with my reverse-proxy to any (client) applications I want (think of it like an API-manager). Also, I am using an LXC-container to do this. For example, here is the simplest of code that I hacked from the examples on the Twisted Docs: from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import proxy, server from twisted.python.log import startLogging from sys import stdout startLogging(stdout) site = server.Site(proxy.ReverseProxyResource('',