
AVL Tree Balancing

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-03 17:01:46
问题 I am working on an assignment that asks me to implement an AVL tree. I'm pretty sure I have the rotation methods correct, but I'm having trouble figuring out when to use them. For example, the explanation in the book says that I should climb up the same path I went down to insert the node/element. However, I can't have any parent pointers. Latest code: public BinaryNode<T> insert(BinaryNode<T> node) { if (this.getElement().compareTo(node.getElement()) > 0) { if (this.getLeftChild() != null) {

Left balanced binary trees

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-30 06:55:51
问题 I am reading a book on data structures and it says that a left balanced binary tree is a tree in which the leaves only occupy the leftmost positions in the last level. This seemed a little vague to me. Does this mean that leaves are only on the left side of a root and are distributed throughout the whole level, or leave exists only on the left side of the entire tree. Exactly what constitute left balanced? I am not sure if my guess even covers any of the answer, so if anyone could help, it

Prolog - Balanced tree or not

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-24 05:03:10
问题 I want to write a program that tells me if a tree is balanced or not. In this case balanced means same height or a height difference of 1. This is what I've written so far but it doesn't work for the height difference of 1. Why? balanced(l(_)). balanced(b(B1, B2)):- height(B1,H), height(B2,H), balanced(B1), balanced(B2). balanced(b(B1,B2)):- height(B1,H + 1), height(B2,H), balanced(B1), balanced(B2). balanced(b(B1,B2)):- height(B1,H), height(B2,H + 1), balanced(B1), balanced(B2). 回答1: H + 1

Prolog - Balanced tree or not

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-24 05:03:03
问题 I want to write a program that tells me if a tree is balanced or not. In this case balanced means same height or a height difference of 1. This is what I've written so far but it doesn't work for the height difference of 1. Why? balanced(l(_)). balanced(b(B1, B2)):- height(B1,H), height(B2,H), balanced(B1), balanced(B2). balanced(b(B1,B2)):- height(B1,H + 1), height(B2,H), balanced(B1), balanced(B2). balanced(b(B1,B2)):- height(B1,H), height(B2,H + 1), balanced(B1), balanced(B2). 回答1: H + 1

AVL Binary Heap(Balanace test)

孤人 提交于 2019-12-20 04:25:07
问题 I'm trying to achieve a testing if a tree is AVL tree or not using prolog. I've made a height test that works for the tests I've done so far but my balancing test is still not going strong. This is my work so far: avl('Branch'(LeftBranch,RightBranch)) :- height(LeftBranch,H1), height(RightBranch,H2), abs(H1-H2) =< 1. I've based this code from an older stackoverflow code. But it doesn't work in all cases. Will include my height code. Somewhere I've made a misstake and Im sure where to find it.

Keeping avl tree balanced without rotations

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-11 09:29:44
问题 B Tree is self balancing tree like AVL tree. HERE we can see how left and right rotations are used to keep AVL tree balanced. And HERE is a link which explains insertion in B tree. This insertion technique does not involve any rotations, if I am not wrong, to keep tree balanced. And therefore it looks simpler. Question: Is there any similar (or any other technique without using rotations) to keep avl tree balanced ? 回答1: The answer is... yes and no. B-trees don't need to perform rotations

Grammar balancing issue

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-10 19:13:15
问题 Is it possible to force Boost.Spirit Qi to behave in such way, that generated grammar would be adjustable in compliance with some runtime-calculable conditions/rules/rates? For example, the input consists of language constructs, that cause the different alternatives during parsing, some more frequently, others -- less. But the order of the alternatives affects on the efficiency, i.e. runtime optimality of the grammar. In some cases it is impossible to determine in advance which alternative

What Self Balancing Tree is simplest in Functional Programming?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-03 07:01:31
问题 I'm designing a self balancing tree in Haskell. As an exercise and because it is nice to have in your back hand. Previously in C and Python I preferred Treaps and Splay Trees due to their simple balancing rules. I always disliked R/B Trees, since they seemed like more work than they were worth. Now, due to the functional nature of Haskell, things seem to have changed. I can write a R/B insert function in 10 lines of code. Treaps on the other hand requires wrapping to store the random number

What Self Balancing Tree is simplest in Functional Programming?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-02 20:38:09
I'm designing a self balancing tree in Haskell. As an exercise and because it is nice to have in your back hand. Previously in C and Python I preferred Treaps and Splay Trees due to their simple balancing rules. I always disliked R/B Trees, since they seemed like more work than they were worth. Now, due to the functional nature of Haskell, things seem to have changed. I can write a R/B insert function in 10 lines of code. Treaps on the other hand requires wrapping to store the random number generator, and Splay Trees are a pain to do top-down. So I'm asking if you have experience with other

AVL Binary Heap(Balanace test)

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-02 06:40:32
I'm trying to achieve a testing if a tree is AVL tree or not using prolog. I've made a height test that works for the tests I've done so far but my balancing test is still not going strong. This is my work so far: avl('Branch'(LeftBranch,RightBranch)) :- height(LeftBranch,H1), height(RightBranch,H2), abs(H1-H2) =< 1. I've based this code from an older stackoverflow code. But it doesn't work in all cases. Will include my height code. Somewhere I've made a misstake and Im sure where to find it. height(leaf(_),1). height('Branch'(LeftBranch,RightBranch,H) :- height(LeftBranch,H1), height