
How to transpose rows of string into columns using lists in a foreach nested loop C#

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-08-06 06:10:11
问题 I have a string structured as following: RLLR LRRL RVVL RRRR // string was made like: string s = "RLLR" + "\n" + "LRRL" + "\n" + "RVVL" + "\n" + "RRRR"; What I want to do to this table is transpose the rows to columns, so it will look like: RLRR LRVR LRVR RLLR What I've done so far is that I converted the string to an array so i can loop through it like so: List<string> line_value = new List<string>();//list for one line of array List<string> single_value = new List<string>();//list for

CUDA matrix transpose with shared memory

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-07-16 08:04:49
问题 I need to implement a matrix transpose function on a GPU using shared memory. I have done it in a simple way without shared memory which works fine and also an attempt with SM. But unfortunately the calculation is not correct and I can not figure out why. A complete working example can be found here and at the bottom of this question. EDIT 1 I further know that the first index of the result where I have a wrong value is index 32 (of the flatted matrix, so matr[0][32] in a two dimensional

CUDA matrix transpose with shared memory

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-07-16 08:04:30
问题 I need to implement a matrix transpose function on a GPU using shared memory. I have done it in a simple way without shared memory which works fine and also an attempt with SM. But unfortunately the calculation is not correct and I can not figure out why. A complete working example can be found here and at the bottom of this question. EDIT 1 I further know that the first index of the result where I have a wrong value is index 32 (of the flatted matrix, so matr[0][32] in a two dimensional

Transpose data from a specific column from multiple sheets to rows on another 'summary' sheet

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-07-10 10:13:45
问题 I have 79 sheets of data which are all the same format. I would like to copy data from a Column C6:C34 in to a Row in a 'Summary Sheet'. I have been successful in using the formulas mentioned in this Stackoverflow question here, which suggests =TRANSPOSE('worksheet A'!A1:A10) and =INDEX(A!$A$1:$A$10, COLUMN()) But as far as I can work out, I have to perform the function 79 times for the 2013-14 year, then another 79 times for the 2014-15 year, and so on. Is there a way that I can take the

Recognizing language patterns in a list of sentences on Google Sheets

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-06-29 04:47:04
问题 I am trying to analyze a series of sentences by identifying the most common adverb-adjective-noun strings. I have managed to get answers for how to do so with random words but I think this is a standalone question, and it might better to be dealt with separately. In this case, I would like to omit common word types like personal pronouns, articles, prepositions and even verbs. Ideally, the results should produce: Most common nouns Most common adjectives Most common adverbs Most common

How can I merge multiple flat arrays of unknown depth, transpose them, then form a 1-dimensional array?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-06-23 08:58:27
问题 I have 3 arrays like this: $a = array( 0 => 'a1', 1 => 'a2', 2 => 'a3' ); $b = array( 0 => 'b1', 1 => 'b2', 2 => 'b3' ); $c = array( 0 => 'c1', 1 => 'c2', 2 => 'c3' ); and I like to have something like this: $r = array( 0 => 'a1', 1 => 'b1', 2 => 'c1', 3 => 'a2', 4 => 'b2', 5 => 'c2', 6 => 'a3', .... ... ); How can I do this AND enjoy the ability to use more then 3 input arrays? EDIT: I have tried this: $a = array( 0 => 'a1', 1 => 'a2', 2 => 'a3', 3 => 'a4' ); $b = array( 0 => 'b1', 1 => 'b2'

Transpose a 1-dimensional array in Numpy without casting to matrix

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-06-10 12:19:10
问题 My goal is to to turn a row vector into a column vector and vice versa. The documentation for numpy.ndarray.transpose says: For a 1-D array, this has no effect. (To change between column and row vectors, first cast the 1-D array into a matrix object.) However, when I try this: my_array = np.array([1,2,3]) my_array_T = np.transpose(np.matrix(myArray)) I do get the wanted result, albeit in matrix form ( matrix([[66],[640],[44]]) ), but I also get this warning: PendingDeprecationWarning : the

Reshaping data.frame with a by-group where id variable repeats [duplicate]

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-06-09 05:37:25
问题 This question already has answers here : How to reshape data from long to wide format (11 answers) Closed 21 days ago . I want to reshape/ rearrange a dataset, that is stored as a data.frame with 2 columns: id (non-unique, i.e. can repeat over several rows) --> stored as character value --> stored as numeric value (range 1:3) Sample data: id <- as.character(1001:1003) val_list <- data.frame(sample(1:3, size=12, replace=TRUE)) have <- data.frame(cbind(rep(id, 4), val_list)) colnames(have) <- c

Expanding all columns simultaneously in Power Query

安稳与你 提交于 2020-05-27 13:02:08
问题 Need help expanding all columns in a spreadsheet simultaneously using Power Query. I have transposed the spreadsheet from this: to this: Each table is a long column of values (9,000+ rows). I would like each column to be a separate ID. Expanding columns manually would be a tedious job and our team is adding data from new study participants (IDs) regularly, so I need help creating a code that can expand all columns simultaneously without having to indicate the column names (IDs) in the code.

Transpose DataFrame Without Aggregation in Spark with scala

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-05-27 12:43:26
问题 I looked number different solutions online, but count not find what I am trying to achine. Please help me on this. I am using Apache Spark 2.1.0 with Scala. Below is my dataframe: +-----------+-------+ |COLUMN_NAME| VALUE | +-----------+-------+ |col1 | val1 | |col2 | val2 | |col3 | val3 | |col4 | val4 | |col5 | val5 | +-----------+-------+ I want this to be transpose to, as below: +-----+-------+-----+------+-----+ |col1 | col2 |col3 | col4 |col5 | +-----+-------+-----+------+-----+ |val1 |