
Docker push fail to push to Artifactory docker registry behind traefik reverse proxy ( with “Upload failed: EOF”)

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-19 08:18:05
问题 We are using Artifactory pro 5.10.4 version. We are migating from a simple installation on a VM and apache reverse proxy for docker registries to docker swarm cluster. We are convinced that Traefik is the best alternative when it comes to dynamic configuration. We are facing some docker push with traefik. Our compose file for Artifactory service is: version: '3.7' services: artifactory: image: environment: EXTRA_JAVA_OPTIONS : > '-Xms2g' '-Xmx2g'

Traefik custom error pages when using Docker labels

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-19 07:45:09
问题 Later versions of Traefik support custom error pages – the ability to send a request to a different back end if there is an error. Commonly, this is a 502 when the reverse proxy can't communicate with a an application server. This docs page explains how to do this with the file backend type, and this works well enough. However, I'm trying to use the Docker backend. This docs page shows a prospective Docker configuration – though it's not clear what the <name> substitution is supposed to mean.

kubernetes 实战 2:Traefik 的安装和使用

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-16 16:56:40
目前常用的k8s常用服务暴露方式有 LoadBalancer、NodePort、Ingress 三种; LoadBalancer 依赖云服务商的环境,需要使用云服务商提供的底层和资源的支持,比如阿里云的 SLB。 NodePort 个人感觉更适合个人学习、测试、或者某些特殊场景使用,因为服务一旦多了很难管理。 Ingress 主要提供反向代理和负载均衡功能,管理方便,可以作为集群服务的统一流量入口,目前有 traefik 和 nginx ingress,为什么这里我们要写 Traefik? 因为用的人多啊O.o,群众的眼睛是雪亮的...,Traefik 目前比 nginx ingress 要活跃很多,而且对后端节点的变化反应更迅速;nginx ingress 之前接触的时候还在beta版本,现在貌似是正式版了,也支持了grpc,后面有机会再尝试一下做个对比。 环境信息: kubernetes version: v1.15.1 traefik version: v1.7 一. 安装Traefik 安装方式有两种 Deployment 和 DaemonSet,官网比较有详细的解释,我就直接贴上了了: The scalability can be much better when using a Deployment, because you will have a Single-Pod

How to ssh into a Traefik pod?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-16 14:52:38
问题 I am using GKE. I've launched the following traefik deployment through kubectl: The pod runs on the kube-system namespace. I'm not able to ssh into the pod. kubectl get po -n kube-system traefik-ingress-controller-5bf599f65d-fl9gx 1/1 Running 0 30m kubectl exec -it traefik-ingress-controller-5bf599f65d-fl9gx -n kube-system -- '\bin\bash' rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: container

Traefik dashboard only on the http port

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-10 22:17:28
问题 I am trying to expose my docker services (like Heimdall, Plex, Tautulli, etc) on my host machines IP for internal purposes only, so without a domain name. I want each service to be accessible ith its own prefix like,, etc. I would like to have the dashboard on a separate port, like 8080, but even after I specify an entry point for 8080 as traefik and set traefik as the entry point for the service it still goes to the port 80 named http. Is there

Could two cluster IP services be connected in Kubernetes?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-10 05:45:27
问题 The situation is that I want to connect two cluster IP services that are inside a tenant which already has Traefik as NodePort so that any of these two services can be a LoadBalancer because the NodePort is used by Traefik. The two services I am trying to connect work as follows. The first one, which I called "Master", will receive a post from the client with a text and will call the other service, called "slave", which will add some text ("Hola Patri") to the text sent by the client. The two

更简单的 Traefik 2 使用方式

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-08 12:11:56
更简单的 Traefik 2 使用方式 经过一年多的实践,对于使用 Traefik 有了一些更深入的体会,本篇先来介绍如何简化使用,后续会逐步展开聊聊如何在云上使用这款“云原生”工具,以及结合它做一些提升业务效率和开发效率的实践。 在 Traefik 2 使用指南,愉悦的开发体验、配置基于Traefik v2的 Web 服务器 文章中,使用 Traefik 的方案引入了比较多的配置,如果你并不是在一个复杂场景使用,这样的配置是可以简化的。 简化程序配置文件 一般情况下将参数变为配置,更利于在版本控制软件中进行版本管理。在 v2 版本中,因为有了动态配置的概念,传统的固定配置,使用简写的参数来替换,并记录在容器启动配置中,可以在减少分发文件数量的情况下,达到相同的效果。 使用参数取代 traefik.toml 在之前的文章中,我提供了一般情况下,使用的默认配置内容: [global] checkNewVersion = false sendAnonymousUsage = false [log] level = "WARN" format = "common" [api] dashboard = true insecure = true [ping] [accessLog] [providers] [providers.docker] watch = true

Add a custom header per rule on Kubernetes Ingress with Traefik

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-07 10:37:20
问题 I'm moving to kubernetes using traefik as my Ingress Controller. I have a single backend that should respond to 3000+ websites. Depending on the host, I need to add a custom header to the request before proxy passing it to the backend. I can use the annotation to add a custom header to the request but it's an annotation for the whole Ingress, so I would need to create 3000+ Ingresses, one for each website. Is there another way to do this? Creating


怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-02 12:25:27
导语 送给正在快速学习Kubernetes的同学。 正文 当云还处于发展初期时,开发人员发现使用原子的、最小的Linux映像编写应用程序很方便,这些映像可以与运行服务器共享资源。从技术上讲,这些小的环境定义基于内核名称空间,被称为容器。 随着容器的激增,系统管理员很快意识到开发一种工具不仅可以帮助他们管理容器,还可以管理下面的虚拟化基础架构。这就是Kubernetes诞生的时候。 Kubernetes是用于容器管理的可扩展开源平台。它可以帮助管理员和开发人员管理容器周围的工作负载、服务和流程。它有助于配置和简便的自动化。在其相对较短的寿命中,它通过许多公司和项目提供的服务,支持和工具,建立了一个快速增长的生态系统。 如果您想更好地了解 Kubernetes 这项重要的云原生技术,这里有个观点可以帮助您深入研究。 1. 用Kubernetes遏制容器的混乱 2016年,我们发表了《用Kubernetes遏制容器的混乱》,这是Terry Ryan的介绍性文章,内容涉及Kubernetes如何帮助管理员和建筑师解决容器问题。如果您需要从根本上介绍容器的功能以及Kubernetes如何使它变得容易,那么这是本文的第一篇。它不带任何先验知识,并解释所有最重要的概念,因此您可以快速入门。另外,如果您要深入了解内核级别发生的变化,请阅读Jessica

Traefik Ingress (Kubernetes) not receiving letsencrypt certificates

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-27 12:23:36
问题 I've configured Traefik (helm chart) with let'sencrypt ACME, but I'm not receiving any certificates. The Traefik Ingress is exposed on port 80 and 443 to the internet. traefik.toml logLevel = "INFO" InsecureSkipVerify = true defaultEntryPoints = ["http","https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" compress = true [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" compress = true [entryPoints.https.tls] [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] CertFile = "/ssl/tls.crt" KeyFile = "/ssl/tls.key"