
.toFixed not for .0*

旧时模样 提交于 2020-06-07 09:23:07
问题 I have a few values: var one = 1.0000 var two = 1.1000 var three = 1.1200 var four = 1.1230 and function: function tofixed(val) { return val.toFixed(2); } this return: 1.00 1.10 1.12 1.12 LIVE I want maximum size after dot - 2, but only if numbers after for != 0. So i would like receive: 1 1.1 1.12 1.12 How can i make it? 回答1: .toFixed(x) returns a string. Just parse it as a float again: return parseFloat(val.toFixed(2)); 回答2: Assuming you want String

.toFixed not for .0*

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-06-07 09:23:06
问题 I have a few values: var one = 1.0000 var two = 1.1000 var three = 1.1200 var four = 1.1230 and function: function tofixed(val) { return val.toFixed(2); } this return: 1.00 1.10 1.12 1.12 LIVE I want maximum size after dot - 2, but only if numbers after for != 0. So i would like receive: 1 1.1 1.12 1.12 How can i make it? 回答1: .toFixed(x) returns a string. Just parse it as a float again: return parseFloat(val.toFixed(2)); 回答2: Assuming you want String

only display real value from complex array javascript

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-24 14:15:06
问题 This question is similar to one of my previous questions (removing objects in an object in an array javascript). However instead of having only numbers, there are also complex numbers with "NaN" as the real values. I thought this could be happening since I'm using big numbers and Mathjs, but all of my other values are already floated to ~15 decimal places. The returned array froma console.log(realPowers) looks like this in the console log: 0:0 1:91.51069578156118 2:183.02210760273937 3:277

Javascript always returns float numbers

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-13 09:12:24
问题 Thats my jquery code. And the variable "procenti" always return like 92.3076923076923 % long decimal number. I would like that number to be without the decimals, only 92%. I tried .toFixed() method but it doesnt works. When the equation is like procenti=(3/10)*100; == 30%, the number in html looks just what i want without decimals. for(var i=1; i<14; i++){ var zmage=parseFloat($('#zm'+i).text()); var odigrane=parseFloat($('#od'+i).text()); var procenti=0; if(zmage == 0){ $('#pr'+(i)).html(0 +

Reliable JS rounding numbers with toFixed(2) of a 3 decimal number

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-10 14:56:36
问题 I am simply trying to round up 1.275.toFixed(2) and I was expecting a return of 1.28 , rather than 1.27. Using various calculators and the simple method of rounding to the nearest hundredth, if the last digit is greater than or equal to five, it should round up. If this doesn't work with toFixed(2), how would it? People asking whether console.log(1.275.toFixed(2)) prints off 1.28, here's a quick screenshot MacOS Chrome Version 55.0.2883.95 (64-bit) 回答1: The toFixed() method is unreliable in


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-03 20:18:19
给所有的double类型扩展一个新方法. extension Double { func roundTo(places: Int) -> Double { let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places)) return (self * divisor).rounded() / divisor } } 这样就可以像这样使用了: 3.1415.roundTo(places: 2) 其中rounded用法如下: (5.2).rounded() // 5.0 (5.5).rounded() // 6.0 (-5.2).rounded() // -5.0 (-5.5).rounded() // -6.0 参考: 来源: oschina 链接:

Javascript toFixed function

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-29 08:49:16
问题 The expected result of: (1.175).toFixed(2) = 1.18 and (5.175).toFixed(2) = 5.18 But in JS showing: (1.175).toFixed(2) = 1.18 but *(5.175).toFixed(2) = 5.17* How to rectify the problem? 回答1: You could always try using round, instead of toFixed. Math.round(5.175*100)/100 You could even try putting it in some prototype method if you want. Created a jsBin that implements a simple prototype on Number. Number.prototype.toFixed = function(decimals) { return Math.round(this * Math.pow(10, decimals))

Calling the toFixed method on a number literal [duplicate]

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-11-28 09:51:58
问题 This question already has an answer here: Why can't I access a property of an integer with a single dot? 4 answers When I call the toFixed() method on a decimal number literal like so: var a = 67.678.toFixed(2); console.log(a); The result works and returns 67.68 However if I call the method on an integer - I get an error var b = 67.toFixed(2); console.log(b); // causes ERROR Why is this the case? NB: If I save the integer number to a variable - the toFixed() method does work. var c = 67; c =

javascript - how to prevent toFixed from rounding off decimal numbers

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-27 02:01:22
I'm very new to html, javascript, and css so please forgive if my question sounds idiotic to you. My question is how can I prevent the function toFixed() from rounding of the decimal number. Here's my link: What I'm trying to do is I'm checking the input if its a valid decimal number whenever the user types in the textbox. At the same time I also want to check if the input is a valid currency which means it can only add two more numbers at the right of the decimal point. The problem is when the user enters the 3rd number after the decimal point the 2nd number after

javascript - how to prevent toFixed from rounding off decimal numbers

百般思念 提交于 2019-11-26 09:54:41
问题 I\'m very new to html, javascript, and css so please forgive if my question sounds idiotic to you. My question is how can I prevent the function toFixed() from rounding of the decimal number. Here\'s my link: What I\'m trying to do is I\'m checking the input if its a valid decimal number whenever the user types in the textbox. At the same time I also want to check if the input is a valid currency which means it can only add two more numbers at the right of the