
How to change body of function TODO() generated on Kotlin?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-18 18:47:56
问题 I need leave something to do later on my code and TODO() auto generated produces a very long comment like follow TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates. The above line tell me to go to File -> Setting -> File Template to change it, but this option not exists to TODO() functions. How to solve it? 回答1: Go to the Preferences window in Android Studio, select Editor -> File and Code Templates , open the Code tab, there you will find an

Regex for TODO keyword when passing through a list of directories to get a list of files with TODO keyword (eg. //TODO) but not as variable / string

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-11 12:24:21
问题 I'm trying to write an application that looks through a directory and flag out all files (be it in directory or subdirectories) that has the TODO keyword (the one that flashes/highlights in color whenever we code in our code editor [i am using visual studio code] I have gotten most of the code running, its just the last bit that is puzzling me : because my RegEx accepts 'TODO' as a word block, it picks up even files that has TODO as variable name / string content eg. var todo = 'TODO' or var

Use git to list TODOs in code sorted by date introduced

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-02-07 14:41:54
问题 I would like to display a list of all TODOs I have in my code, but sorted by using the history (Git) and showing the most recent first. Kind of like the result displayed here: git – order commits introducing "TODO"s by date But showing the lines of the TODOs, not the hashes. Should look like this: Fri May 22 11:22:27 2015 +0200 - // TODO: Refactor this code Fri Apr 25 17:32:13 2014 +0200 - // TODO: We should remove this when tests pass Sat Mar 29 23:11:39 2014 +0100 - // TODO: Rename to

Use git to list TODOs in code sorted by date introduced

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-07 14:39:42
问题 I would like to display a list of all TODOs I have in my code, but sorted by using the history (Git) and showing the most recent first. Kind of like the result displayed here: git – order commits introducing "TODO"s by date But showing the lines of the TODOs, not the hashes. Should look like this: Fri May 22 11:22:27 2015 +0200 - // TODO: Refactor this code Fri Apr 25 17:32:13 2014 +0200 - // TODO: We should remove this when tests pass Sat Mar 29 23:11:39 2014 +0100 - // TODO: Rename to

Use git to list TODOs in code sorted by date introduced

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-07 14:39:25
问题 I would like to display a list of all TODOs I have in my code, but sorted by using the history (Git) and showing the most recent first. Kind of like the result displayed here: git – order commits introducing "TODO"s by date But showing the lines of the TODOs, not the hashes. Should look like this: Fri May 22 11:22:27 2015 +0200 - // TODO: Refactor this code Fri Apr 25 17:32:13 2014 +0200 - // TODO: We should remove this when tests pass Sat Mar 29 23:11:39 2014 +0100 - // TODO: Rename to

How to untick checkboxes in org-mode for the next cyclic/repetitive task

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-06-24 07:20:45
问题 With cyclic or repetitive tasks in org-mode, inside this task, if there are several checkboxes and all of them marked as ticked, after the general task is masked as DONE, the checkboxes for the next cycle period stills appear as ticked and it should be unticked. e.g.: TODO Cyclic monthly home [0/5] SCHEDULED: <2013-11-30 Sat +1m> [ ] pay sauna [ ] pay electricity [ ] pay renting [ ] pay internet [ ] pay union Once I ticked all of them and put it as done, this is what I can see: WIP Cyclic

How to untick checkboxes in org-mode for the next cyclic/repetitive task

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-06-24 07:20:36
问题 With cyclic or repetitive tasks in org-mode, inside this task, if there are several checkboxes and all of them marked as ticked, after the general task is masked as DONE, the checkboxes for the next cycle period stills appear as ticked and it should be unticked. e.g.: TODO Cyclic monthly home [0/5] SCHEDULED: <2013-11-30 Sat +1m> [ ] pay sauna [ ] pay electricity [ ] pay renting [ ] pay internet [ ] pay union Once I ticked all of them and put it as done, this is what I can see: WIP Cyclic

org-mode 学习笔记

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-04-07 03:39:28
org-mode 学习笔记 /*--> */ /*--> */ org-mode 学习笔记 Table of Contents 1. 插入各种块,结构 1.1. 排版源码 2. 各种快捷键,来操作目录 2.1. 在大纲之间移动 2.2. 基于大纲的编辑 2.3. 基于非大纲的编辑 # 3. 内部链接 3.1. 脚注 3.2. TODO [0%] 手动写 4. 最强的任务管理器 4.1. 定义任务和子任务 4.2. CANCELED 定义任务状态 4.3. 设置任务优先级 4.4. 跟踪子任务完成情况 4.5. 用复选框标记非标题类型的子任务 4.6. TODO 查询任务 4.7. 任务的时间计划 4.7.1. 时间戳 4.7.2. 时间/日期段 4.7.3. 计划时间和截止时间 4.8. 全局任务文件清单 4.9. 全局 TODO 列表 4.10. 日程表 4.11. 小结 1 插入各种块,结构 1.1 排版源码 快捷方式 <s "src-- 参数 -n -t -h -w 显示行号 清除格式 设置高度 设置宽度 例如: #+BEGIN_SRC c -n int main(void) { printf("hello,world\n"); return 0; } #+END_SRC 2 各种快捷键,来操作目录 2.1 在大纲之间移动 快捷键 说明 C-c C-n/p 下/上一标题 C


一世执手 提交于 2020-03-17 11:59:12
转至 Yeoman 介绍 Yeoman 是 Google 的团队和外部贡献者团队合作开发的,他的目标是通过 Grunt(一个用于开发任务自动化的命令行工具)和 Bower(一个HTML、CSS、Javascript 和图片等前端资源的包管理器)的包装为开发者创建一个易用的工作流。 Yeoman 的目的不仅是要为新项目建立工作流,同时还是为了解决前端开发所面临的诸多严重问题,例如零散的依赖关系。 Yeoman 主要有三部分组成: yo (脚手架工具)、 grunt (构建工具)、 bower (包管理器)。这三个工具是分别独立开发的,但是需要配合使用,来实现我们高效的工作流模式。 Yo 搭建新应用的脚手架,编写你的 Grunt 配置并且安装你有可能在构建中需要的相关的 Grunt 任务。 Grunt 被用来构建,预览以及测试你的项目,感谢来自那些由 Yeoman 团队和 runt-contrib 所管理的任务的帮助。 Bower 被用来进行依赖管理,所以你不再需要手动的下载和管理你的脚本了。 下面这幅图很形象的表明了他们三者之间的协作关系。 Yeoman 特性: 快速创建骨架应用程序 。使用可自定义的模板(例如:HTML5、Boilerplate、Twitter Bootstrap 等)、AMD(通过


寵の児 提交于 2020-02-29 02:51:48
前言 本章我们来学习Vue组件通信中的可以算是所有内容,在此之前,您最好掌握Vue的基础语法、指令等内容,同时也建议您查看我其他的文章进行补充。 组件通信 父子组件关系 通过上图顺带给大家说明了父子组件的实现原理,以及组件间传值传DOM的实现思路,那么我们看看Vue的代码来感受一下 父向子传值 模板部分(此处传值也能使用组件内的变量) <div id="app"> <!-- 传递一个字符串常量haha --> <son v-bind:text="'haha'"/> </div> js部分 // 子组件 var Son = { // 要接收的字段名称 props:['text'], template:` <div> {{ text }} </div>` }; Vue.component('son',Son); // 父组件 new Vue({ el:'#app' }); 显示结果很显然是子组件的haha 子向父通信 试想一种情况,由父组件控制子组件的显示,而从子组件中点击X来实现子组件的隐藏,那么实际的控制权确实在父组件 要处理这个问题,大家第一反应应该就是相当通过子组件的点击事件,拿到父组件内控制显示与隐藏的变量并更改就可以了 代码如下 // 隐藏按钮点击函数 methods:{ clickChild(){ this.$parent.isShow = false; } }